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RE: Solo Travel vs Group Travel | Pros + Cons

in #dtubedaily7 years ago (edited)

I’m glad you were able to take something from this. Honestly my favourite past time when I’m travelling alone is the long trip to wherever I need to go. Train trips are usually my favourite and I put on and listen to really moody music and just imagine I’m in a movie or something hehe.

Sounds like your trip at 21 was worth it! And even better so that you actually went for it. People have a lot of fears around extended travelling but it’s honestly such a beautiful thing to experience. I’ll always owe travelling to bettering my life and now I’m addicted!!

And maybe a small change could be exciting! I mean you don’t have to pack up your life and leave but never say never if something pulls deep down into your being. I hope you’re kids find the inspiration to travel as well!