i started a diet today. Not a particular one but because i used to work out a lot in the past and i let myself for a year or so i think it's to get back on track. The first thing i wanna do is eat less at night, cut the fried food as well as sweets and after a week that i will get used to it, i ll start eating more ''clear'' foods with a lot of protein. Now i can't do what you do :P with the beef and salad, i want my meat to be accompanied by something either this is potatoes ( not fried), or biological rice. At the same time i must start doing some exercises at home!
fried stuff is probably one of the worst imo. i haven't seen anything as bad as mixing protein with heavy refined carbs. the problem is they're so tasty and i've gotten used it when i was younger. every once in awhile my body craves for sugar and carbs. so yes, it's always difficult 😆
at least with the cheat day you have, you manage to balance it somehow