Greetings Fellow Steemians & D.Tubers!
February was an absolute blast for the DTubeDaily community. In only 28 days, we’ve created, collaborated, and curated in some many ways! Thus in this post we wanted to share a bit about what we’ve been up to!
But first!
What is DTubeDaily?
Great question!
But first!
What is DTubeDaily?
Great question!
Great question!
DtubeDaily is a family-focused DTube community that encourages daily content creation and curation. Together we support each other’s content, ideas, challenges, collaborations, and more by simply showing up every single day and choosing to create and curate!

DTubeDaily Community Growth Update
The DTubeDaily family has been growing at a rapid pace over the past two months…
First of all, thanks to a few epic members, we now have over 1,800 in Steem Power Delegations!
A HUGE thank you to: @slayerkm @maneki-neko @blocktrades @buttcoins @tim.clarke @drkent @adventuroussoul @kevinli @adetorrent @neeqi @captainbob @lostinhappiness @sv1rby @tricki @myndnow @artakush @syndicateframes for showing your support!
DTubeDaily update video where he gives a big shout out to some more epic members of the community.Be sure to check out @slayerkm’s fantastic

We’ve also gained well over 20 members in just this past month. We are currently at 82 members strong and because our intention is to establish solid relationships within our community, we want to make sure that our growth is sustainable. Therefore, we’ve decided to set forth a short hiatus on memberships for the time being.
Our group goal is for everyone to chat with each member at least one time. We believe that connecting in this way is one of the best ways to get to know each other, encourage collaboration, and inspire creativity.
Community begins with establishing solid relationships and family is the foundational component that makes DTubeDaily, DTubeDaily!
Meeting Up In The Real World
Alongside connecting online, the community has also made a solid effort to meet up in person! We've already had FIVE real life meetups in just this month...
created a hilarious sketch together! @neeqi and @kevinli met up somewhere in Australia and

drink a bunch of coffee and explore the city…
met up to roam the streets of Melbourne... @kevinli and @bobaphet
met up in Berlin and created this epic vlog! @liveyourdream and @myndnow
Thailand to share some real talk... @harshilpatel and @myndnow met up in
Virtual Meetups: Where Progress Happens
We meet up every week on a video chat with the entire community to introduce ourselves to new members, share ideas, and develop plans to improve the community (DTubeDaily) and community at large (Steemit / DTube).
A big shout out to @maneki-neko and @myndnow for hosting our last few meetups!
And Speaking Of Progress... Here Are Some Recent Developments In The DTubeDaily Community:
We held a logo contest and after much deliberation and a round of voting, we found a winner! Special thanks to @andrejcibik for crafting such a slick and unique design for the group!
In other exciting news, we're currently in the process of developing a DTubeDaily website with help from @utopian-io to create a platform that operates like @busy and allows members to easily view and upvote eachother's video content!
A HUGE thank you goes out to @flauwy for his wisdom and efforts to make this possible as well as @myndnow for putting an incredible amount of work in to get the website and server in place and running!
New Initiatives To Empower Creatives
Video Tutorials!
In our community we have so many talented vloggers, cinematographers, storytellers, performers, actors, etc. that we realized that this talent and knowledge needed to be shared with the world!
That's exactly why the community has been working hard to provide great new tutorials for video creators!
looking directly into the lens while filming a vlog... This past month @chrispy99 created a post about the importance of
great tips regarding storytelling and why it's important... @captainbob shared a few
expert drone filming advice...
how to vlog in public! And @myndnow showed us
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped to educate the community!
Do you have skills and knowledge to share with the community? If so, let us know by creating a community video in March!
Collab! Create! Collab!
We're always looking for ways to create together and this month we collaborated on this!
"Welcome To DTubeDaily"
A fun collaborative post that showcases our members and invites the world to join in!
Valentine's Day Video
A V-Day special video where we share some of our best and weirdest memories on Valentine's Day.
Our Spring Goal: @sndbox Incubator!
@sndbox is an Incubator for Creatives and Communities that we look up to as an organization that really does make a difference here on Steemit.
As we grow, our intention is to be capable of supporting our members and encouraging them to create every day.
We know that one of the best ways to do this in the long haul will be to continually power up and encourage members to delegate to @dtubedaily.
With support from @sndbox, this process would be greatly expedited!
Thus, we're excited to announce that we intend to apply for @sndbox's incubator cycle come May!
That's all folks!
We've got a ton of awesome things in store for March. We'll see you then. Create every day!!!
~ The DTubeDaily Community
This post was curated by ya homeboy, @axios.
@syndicateframes shared his @slayerkm and @tim.clarke met up in the UK to On the topic of establishing solid relationships within the community, one of our recent initiatives set forth by @myndnow has been to encourage members to connect via video chat. 
met up to roam the streets of Melbourne... @kevinli and @bobaphet

met up in Berlin and created this epic vlog! @liveyourdream and @myndnow

Thailand to share some real talk... @harshilpatel and @myndnow met up in

Virtual Meetups: Where Progress Happens
We meet up every week on a video chat with the entire community to introduce ourselves to new members, share ideas, and develop plans to improve the community (DTubeDaily) and community at large (Steemit / DTube).

And Speaking Of Progress... Here Are Some Recent Developments In The DTubeDaily Community:
We held a logo contest and after much deliberation and a round of voting, we found a winner! Special thanks to @andrejcibik for crafting such a slick and unique design for the group!

In other exciting news, we're currently in the process of developing a DTubeDaily website with help from @utopian-io to create a platform that operates like @busy and allows members to easily view and upvote eachother's video content!
New Initiatives To Empower Creatives
Video Tutorials!
In our community we have so many talented vloggers, cinematographers, storytellers, performers, actors, etc. that we realized that this talent and knowledge needed to be shared with the world!
That's exactly why the community has been working hard to provide great new tutorials for video creators!

looking directly into the lens while filming a vlog... This past month @chrispy99 created a post about the importance of

great tips regarding storytelling and why it's important... @captainbob shared a few

expert drone filming advice...
how to vlog in public! And @myndnow showed us
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped to educate the community!
Do you have skills and knowledge to share with the community? If so, let us know by creating a community video in March!
Collab! Create! Collab!
We're always looking for ways to create together and this month we collaborated on this!
"Welcome To DTubeDaily"
A fun collaborative post that showcases our members and invites the world to join in!
Valentine's Day Video
A V-Day special video where we share some of our best and weirdest memories on Valentine's Day.
Our Spring Goal: @sndbox Incubator!
@sndbox is an Incubator for Creatives and Communities that we look up to as an organization that really does make a difference here on Steemit.
As we grow, our intention is to be capable of supporting our members and encouraging them to create every day.
We know that one of the best ways to do this in the long haul will be to continually power up and encourage members to delegate to @dtubedaily.
With support from @sndbox, this process would be greatly expedited!
Thus, we're excited to announce that we intend to apply for @sndbox's incubator cycle come May!
That's all folks!
We've got a ton of awesome things in store for March. We'll see you then. Create every day!!!
~ The DTubeDaily Community
This post was curated by ya homeboy, @axios.

how to vlog in public! And @myndnow showed us

Collab! Create! Collab!
"Welcome To DTubeDaily"

Valentine's Day Video

The "work" on the ends of ALL involved in making this the BEST is deeply felt in the heart center of @wellnesshero . Gratitude for the countless focus to all the @dtubedaily content creators who show up, leave their digital DNA imprint on this blockchain, and collaborate to manifest solid foundations for the FLOODS of consciously awake humans.
Free speech and our individual ability to voice what we came into this body to say is vital to our collective connection. @dtube is a blessing and this community has some serious dedicated developers, as show here via this post.
As we all work to be "daily" authors/curators, it is always wonderful to feel more connected from initial strangers coming together to create awesomeness!
Awesome post! Thank you! Resteemed!
Thanks @captainbob :)
Sweet, thanks for keeping us all posted, lots of great content being created.
Great work here! Such a great direction this community is heading towards. Resteemed :)
Love all of You sooooooo muuuuchhhhhh ❤
I'm happy to be the 83rd member because it's also my birthyear (if it's fine with the DDaily family, of course). I've been uploading for 6 days my live electronic music jams to DTube Daily :) this was my DTube daily announcement post. https://steemit.com/dtubedaily/@greencross/8hd1r5be
Happy to be uploading on a daily basis.
Great and still growing! Keep up the goodwork!💫👌 I just posted my first vlog on Dtube!🥂🛸 Let’s get connected!
Awesome summary of what happened last month within our community. Thank you @axios! #bestcommunity
Fantastic work!
Holy brother of Jesus! This is amazing ma man!! Just wow!! :)
Winny out...for now ;)
This is wonderful! ❤️ I'm always amazed by the people in our community, how talented we all are each in our own way. So many unique perspectives and heartwarming connections!
Awesome initiative guys! Great to see this growing :-)
Loving it in here! So much great stuff going on. :D
Great update! I love being here. I may not be as active as I would like, but I appreciate this group for sure. You are all doing such big things! Be well.
So glad and grateful to be a part of this community :) I have recorded a VLOG about changing perspectives while you recording before Ive been a member of community so it might be useful for the others. I just don't know where I should left it on our discord server :)
Bless to all! :)
So Lovely to see this Grow in the right Way!
Peace V!
boom shakalaka!...to the moon!