I got a lot out of this. The only solo travel I've done is to get to a place to visit friends or to work. I've done it a lot, but always stop when I get there, so it's not Travelling, just travelling. One of my enduring memories is of sitting on trains during my army days - heading down to Yorkshire feeling sad and scared as the train pulled out of Glasgow. But then putting on Purple Rain and as as Prince launches into Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life... and I was lifted up. That album is still my favourite travelling music.
I did group travel with two school friends when we were 21 - three months around North America. That was the time of our lives - young and carefree, just a backpack and a two-month unlimited flightpass for Delta. We got time alone on flights, and that was about it. I love looking back on that now, at the age of 46 and feel a little sadness that I don't get to do that kind of thing anymore. I've been on Arran for 10 years now, the longest I've been in one place since I was 16 and I'm itching to leave.
So I really enjoy watching you young whippersnappers getting out there and experiencing life. I really hope that my kids decide to travel too - it's so important and does change you. I can see that clearly at my current age.
I’m glad you were able to take something from this. Honestly my favourite past time when I’m travelling alone is the long trip to wherever I need to go. Train trips are usually my favourite and I put on and listen to really moody music and just imagine I’m in a movie or something hehe.
Sounds like your trip at 21 was worth it! And even better so that you actually went for it. People have a lot of fears around extended travelling but it’s honestly such a beautiful thing to experience. I’ll always owe travelling to bettering my life and now I’m addicted!!
And maybe a small change could be exciting! I mean you don’t have to pack up your life and leave but never say never if something pulls deep down into your being. I hope you’re kids find the inspiration to travel as well!