Interesting. I did two takes of my anniversary video yesterday at home and I was quite pleased with it. I spent research time, effort and money to set up my studio space with lights, figuring out the audio, working out the camera angle and how to make the background interesting but not distracting, how to use depth of field to make it look good. All that.
My daughter came home and I said I'd made a talking head video for my anniversary and she was like, daaad, that's boring.
And d'you know, she was right!
So, I took my camera out to the One Tree, my favourite tree on my dog walk and shot the video up there along with some B roll and it came out much better, though admittedly it took waaay longer to make.
One thing I will say though is that you asked why bother if you get paid for minimum effort against your wall of choice. The flip side of that is putting in a shed load of effort and time and not getting paid. That can be kinda disconcerting and lead to thinking why bother when I can just do it against my wall. Just a thought.