this makes me think of a great sketch idea. some guy talking about how great his life excited and pump to share all these amazing things as he sits in front of a blank wall... then he goes to turn it off but he misses the record button and it keeps recording and he moves the camera to the other side of the room and sits down on a shitty couch and starts playing video games on a small shitty tv. and his girlfriend comes in and say... 'are you done with your stupid vlog? do you wanna be impressive., go wash your own stupid dishes... that would impress me'
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LOL That sounds really funny. I can feel de decadence in that character, I picture the room as really filthy and rundown, and I imagine his smiley face to turn into pure sadness as soon as he thinks he pressed the REC button.
Bring it on mate!
yeah... exactly he huffs and swears under his breath.... he is the polar opposite person when he thinks he is not being recorded. Love it.