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RE: Is taking care of ourselves overrated?

in #dtubedaily7 years ago

Sorry for your loss. You are right that living "healthy" is over-rated, but I'd like to say few things. Problem nowadays is that nobody even knows what healthy means and all the wannabes are acting like their something. As an example about bs that goes around is the claim that gym goers should get as much protein as possible and avoid carbs to death. That's total bs as science actually tells that we should get most of our calories from carbs. It is also that everybody is so sensitive that if something have even little bit of negative effect it is considered to be bad. Human organs need some challenge sometimes, and you get sick if you only eat one type of food. Lastly I would question running as much as your step-dad did to be any healthy. All top-athletes are more likely to get diseases spesific to their profession. Constantly pushing your limits is not healthy. People are just being lazy and try to find the easy-key to happiness by pointing singular things to be the root of all evil, like sugar or fat.