What Would A Steemit School Look Like? [@axios VISION]

in #dtubedaily7 years ago (edited)


What if you could get paid to go to school?

For real though! What could that mean for the experience of education?

As an educated millennial, I personally felt that my experience largely revolved around ME providing tangible value to the school up front and leaving school, feeling as though that tangible value wasn't equally returned.

I've been imagining a world in which the actual act of learning, growing, and building things actually creates tangible value in real time.

A world where, instead of sending young people into the world with their wallet already six feet under, they have an abundant wallet with tangible skills, relationships, and resources to show for it.


Where classrooms are much less about encouraging the "sit and repeat after me" method, and much more geared towards present moment engagement, collaboration, and experimentation.

I know this is already happening in a variety of private school systems, but I would like to see more of it, especially on a mainstream level.

Understanding The Value Of Money

One major issue that I have with the United States' education system is the fact that they encourage students to make major financial decisions before they even understand the value of money.

At a mere 18 years of age, students are encouraged to invest $50 to $200,000+ of money that they don't have via student loans to then deal with the consequences of that decision four years later.


Unfortunately, most 18 year olds have very little understanding about the value of money and how to properly utilize it.

Being in school from kindergarten through high school, most have not even experienced the real world on their own!

Exchanging Value In Real Time

I was thinking about the concept of Steemit and how we are already exchanging value on social media - why not at school too?

This would not only be a great way to incentive students to learn and try new things, but it would also teach then the value of currency, how to save it, invest it, donate it, etc.

In my opinion, the best way to learn anything is to actively engage with it.


By giving students the opportunity to create a financial ecosystem of their own, this could provide them with valuable experiences where they could make mistakes, learn from them early on, and familiarize themselves with the one of the most important aspects of life: the exchange of value.

In this vlog I thought about what a Steemit-based School could look like and how this model could offer better learning opportunities for the future. Watch the video below and let me know what your Steemit school would look like!


Thanks For Stopping By :)


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You're already on it! School is in the mind and at home! Not necessarily in a building with a bunch dozen other kids.

Very true! YouTube was where I learned ALL of my creative skills :)

That's great! Yeah, it's a bit of a falsehood to believe one needs to attend some building, when, in reality, man learns from the home, at the place of nurture and outside, and in nature.

Wow, that's simply groundbreaking! Love the idea and the way you presented it, very professional and very entertaining. Had to resteem it right away :-)

With Smart Media Tokens the different learning levels could be easily implemented.

That's definitely one of these ideas which should be bookmarked in all our accounts! :-)

Thank you @surfermarly! That's a great point with Smart Media Tokens. It's only a matter of time ;-) Cheers!

I am getting to know steemit but i see some value in teaching children about both contributing to society (and being rewarded for it= the more value you give the more you are rewarded), and learning to navigate the social networks.
Furthermore, I totally agree on real life skills and hands on learning.

on the other hand, as a mother of a young boy, I have concerns about teaching our kids to be rewarded for everything including attending school. I believe most kids love learning, but many get bored at school. When you have a project based approach, I suppose results may be better, plus, each kid learns as much as they can/want.

Well, you have raised quite a number of issues and brought in a very intesting conversation about education, thank you very much. I will continue reflecting on it.

Love it!!! +1 follower and Resteemed to BestofSteem!

Keep up the good fight!

This is pretty cool idea. I love the subject of education reform as I feel like the entire education system is outdated and falling behind. As far as I'm concerned I will always be in school, as long as I have access to the internet, which makes me think if kids even need to go to school as much as they do. there's so much information online these days, so maybe we should just let them learn what they want to learn.
Infact, I think the biggest problem with the education system today is that we're giving children answers, before they've asked the questions. Kids need time to think. let them explore life and become curious before we start forcing information on them that they never asked for!
Rant over.
Great video ;)

Amazing idea. Students creating there own financial ecosystem. Hopefully world will be a better place for our kids.

I agree! These days, online classes are made up of an obligatory discussion panel throughout the course to increase engagement, therefore someone must be learning something, right? These forums are, for the most part, BORING, and feel forced as a means to simply “get through it” rather then truly engage. This idea could make such a huge impact with the online learning environment!

Too bad governments force children to go to their public indoctrination camps. How else would they control almost every aspect of you?

Thankfully if we can just realize to do the opposite of everything we've been told, then we'll be okay ;-) I think the blockchain will provide us opportunities for proof of education platforms.


Thank you @nxtblg :)

pretty interesting concept, would you be able to check my recent posts?

I like it,
I was never very good at studying and memorising.
But I do great with hands on.
You got my vote start the school...

Same here man. I was always more of the kinesthetic learner as well. Let's build this thing ;-)

Ingenious Ideas, excellent presentation, you might want to add that all Steemit schools have intermittent fun and play time where they upvote each other on momentarily spontaneity, wonder, and assisting others, to achieve simular states, if possible.
Massage the right brain abit;)

I love that idea @the.human.union! Here in Austin I organize free community improv classes... We call it "kindergarten for adults" because its all about inspiring play!

Jezze! See you were on it!
Where were you when I was
Doing my soul-gerns in the musical humidity within Austin City Limits?
Get cannabis legal at least within Travis County ), have a Steemit School meetup and I'm there!
Keep pumping out the Quality..

hahaha if it really happens?
You'll find every child of the town in school:p
Free candies will also do the tricks :p
beacuase child love candies.

lol @abdulmanan....crypto and candies. CHECK!

These two things can be great :p

I guess you'd pay fees with SBD :)

I guess so! Many possibilities...

I like it,
I've never been very good at studying and keeping.
But I do great with his hands.
I've got my voice to start school...
thank you so much for posting good luck

@salahsteem I think there's a lot of people like you and I that are great with our hands and doing things but have been forced to sit down and shut up! I hope this changes in the future... Steemit offers possibilities!

I have thought since the moment I received my degree that the solution to a lot of the problems we see in our higher education system would be to make degrees refundable, if that paper has value you should be able to return it and get your money back right?

Hahaha love it! So true. I would be rich!

They would quit turning out Women's Studies graduates in a hurry.

Much respect for this Sir. We very recently presented a Steemit-inspired academic model to a class panel and senior faculty at a prestigious University (graduate level), which included a virtual demo of Steemit. Out of six teams, ours scored the very lowest in terms of interest from both students and faculty. We both knew the other ideas - such as lectures on tape - were whack AF compared to monetization of student effort and that this concept was yet beyond the grasp of the trained academic mind. Onward and upward anyway.

Some ideas are just a bit ahead of their time. On another note, this concept might not work as well in a traditional school setting. It might require a drastic shift in how we perceive the classroom (similar to what I mentioned in my video). Either way, props on getting the word out there and planting seeds @seltzerjunkies!

I love this idea. We had a foreign exchange student from Sweden where they pay you to go to high school and college is free. Education is so undervalued in the US!

Incredible! Sweden has got it going on. And fully agree - extremely undervalued and lacking innovation!

I agree with you that many young people have no concept for money. I don't know if this is because parents give their kids everything or their school time often doesn't permit working on the side. I definitely don't want to enter a negative arena here. What I can tell you is the students I teach in a private school have absolutely no interest in learning about financial management, at least as Juniors. Perhaps at the Senior level, this should be mandatory, but it will take someone beyond a teacher to get into their thoughts to convince them that such a topic is very important. Otherwise, the teachers just go through the motion.

I'm always open for ideas to try make such an endevour possible.

I'm assuming this is high school?

Yeah when I was in high school I wasn't interested - or at least I wasn't interested in how it was taught. Likely because there weren't any stakes involved and I wasn't required to be responsible in this way.

I could imagine having an entrepreneurship class where you have a year or semester long project where you create a service that has real value to the community. The teacher would upvote each student for attending class each day and give certain % upvotes for each daily project (i.e. create a logo, mission statement, etc) . Each week the students would be required to submit financial statements, tracking incoming and outgoing expenses (i.e. maybe they used some of their steem to create the logo). Then at the end they present their products/services as though the teacher were an angel investor and the best ideas would receive rewards.

That's just a basic idea but the main point is there needs to be a way to make it real. In my opinion, immersion is the best way of teaching anything.

Thanks for sharing your perspectives here @spederson!

It would be an awesome idea brother!! The question is if it will be applied?

Winny out...for now ;)

Thank you bro! I lead an improv organization here in Austin. My plan is to apply it there this year!

So, basically you are introducing them to steemit and showing them the benefits they can get, but implemented as an education platform :) smart ;)

Yeah! For improv I think it'll be promoted as something like "get paid to play" or something like that... but yeah, there would definitely need to be some hardcore steemit education classes so people actually understand what is going on. Also I think crypto will have to be more mainstream. I was explaining Steemit the other day to a few friends. Still figuring out how to explain this whole dealio in a way that's not overwhelming lol

I think this is an awesome idea!! It is becoming very obvious that the way the current school and university systems exist is antiquated and no longer serves the same benefit or even the same purpose that it was intended for. The technological boom within the last 20 years has allowed us the potential to create new systems for learning and bettering ourselves - we just have to get together and make them happen!

I've got a similar idea, where value is earned not just from posting good content or through learning, but through making a positive impact on society in the most general sense. I would love to talk to you about how the ideas could come together. There are some real problems that blockchain based technologies will solve, and we are only at the beginning in terms of the revolution of positivity and prosperity for all that is to come from the movement.

Here's a link to my post, thanks in advance for checking it out: https://steemit.com/life/@halfjew22/proposal-for-extracting-value-from-positive-behaviors-and-its-imagined-societal-impact

Just read it @halfjew22. Great idea! I left my comment on your post. Thanks for sharing bro!

There is a bunch of holes in this idea.
First that there is a lot of difference of the intellectual capability between people.
So if the world would work like this. The "system" would produce the same type of people. Popular people could get more votes, smarter people would be probably able to use the system better, because even if you don't need to learn specific things, some people might be able just to remember. That would keep them instantly more progressive in learning, and problem solving than others.
The lazy people would stil get behind. But if there is a few of them who can use the knowledge properly, they might end up on the top, as it happens all the time even now. Also there would still be some people who have no idea how to learn thing. Because even if the textbook explanations would be there, you'd still have to be able to understand them. And someone like me who is better in learning languages, and solving more difficult mathematics problems than others. But really stupid if it comes to remember word by word to something. Would be different than someone who studies law, but can't solve a simple math problem. Ant there is nothing wrong with that. Because we are different. I think the problem in the school system is us humans. We have our limits. And unless we change our way of thinking, it really wont matter how the school system will work. Also you would probably still need someone to look after your kids. Because even if there is no teachers, i would be better if i know that there is someone who i can count on in case my child would need help from an adult. And i am not even a father, i am just thinking logicly here. But there are stuff you've said that can be useful, and one day it might be even used as an educational tool. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I fully agree, this idea is by no means full proof - just an interesting thought. I shared this in the video as well, but I don't foresee a school like this operating anywhere near how modern day US schools currently operate. I think it would require project-based curriculums where students are required to go out, find information they need, acquire resources, work with those resources, and present their creations.

As with most things, one size does not fit all, thus it would likely be great for some people (especially the hustlers, entrepreneurial-minded), and maybe not so great for others.

Thanks for sharing your ideas here though and deconstructing the ideas here!

IMHO if they're paying you to go to class, it makes it less focused on "do better at what you suck at" and more focused on "do better at what you are good at." Think of medieval times for a bit. In town, you would likely have one or two bakers, one good blacksmith, a cobbler or two, some weavers and seamstresses, lots of farm hands, and some town managers (I.E. lords or mayors or the like). These people don't usually take up their job because they had to (exceptions are the farmers and such which can be translated to the retail workers of today), they took up the job because they were good at it and people wanted what they had. Bakers don't bake because they were told to, they bake because they're good at it and people like bread. Blacksmiths don't make tools because they have no other skills, they make tools because that IS their skill. if this system didn't focus on what you do, but instead focused on what you get out of it (focusing on your improvement and contribution to the school instead of "grades"), it would be much better aimed toward people of all skill levels and types.

I guess that's the "new thing" in the crypto space. Basically, you get paid to do anything. I just paid you with an upvote for this post ;).

If you get paid to go to School then that's the best law the politicians can made out of their tiny minds who only think of money and corruption.

Steemit is fun - and everybody learns better while having fun :>

wow, that's a great school...you are a visionary. Let's start that School! Let's call it "Steemit University."

Wow.. What an inspiring idea.. If that would be the case here in Philippines, parents may not be so burdened in sending their kids to school. Praying that it will come into realisation. Keep it up @axios :)

Interesting analogy. In some ways steemit is like a school in that high value bloggers can use their upvotes to pay people to learn from them.

You don't have to go to school - #unschool etc. etc. But I like the Idea - thumbs up! :-)

Calidad de educacion en usa...!!!

Pls am New here ..who will follow me for a follow back and an upvote on your recent post

And will read your articles to as well

hay me from indonesia want to know about this, anyone can explain how this program? sorry if my language is not good
thanks a lot of everythin

hi buddies
may I have a question please?
how is it I have 0.01 USD earning on a post with 7 upvotes, but some have average 1+ USD per upvote?
in the end of the day, there should be a normal distribution of upvoting power or ...?

Hey Axios, great work brother on getting a trending post! Congrats 🎉 Keep up the good energy

Because you're human, you learn from studying. That is, if there are only human beings we don't learn from, we don't develop.

Please be noted on my blog about how to study.

I like it. Learn by doing, evaluate, adjust, learn more, grow, experience, prosper. Sounds refreshing.

Seems like a smart idea. All these people are kind-of wasting there time on lets say Facebook for example. People in school need more ways to express themselves and maybe make a little ching ching at the same time so I agree.

Interesting concept but I feel that many would hit bandwidth limitations lol 😂 🤙 not to mention those troll students that would upvote dumb content and their posts vs the educators 👨‍🏫 then again, it could work. 😊

they could always give the teacher the 100% downvote ability, basically anything that's ridiculous or dumb that's upvoted will lose all income if it's downvoted by a (respected) teacher. That would help mitigate the concept of abusing the system or just shitposting constantly for money.

Even if they pay me to go to school I will FAIL. Just Kidding jeje

You are right.But must government officials are jealeous to include cryptocurrency knowledge in schools.

Perhaps someone needs to put cryptocurrency lessons together so educators can evaluate their use and integrate it in other lessons.

Guter Gedanke .

Nice POST!!!! i like it

If I could get paid to go to school, I would go up the ventilation shaft.

great video if few things become true it will be great fun

I watched all of your video. I like them!

Professionals have Licenses and Certifications which require proof of knowledge....not sure an upvote would satisfy this. It could be a tool but not the complete educational system.

An upvote wouldn't serve as an indicator of skill, merely an indicator of engagement.

I like this idea, i have already started on a whitepaper. #MotivationForSchool

I totally agree. Throw them to the sharks.

we must push the hole Steem Network :D

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