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RE: Come on: Let's be the change!

in #dtube6 years ago

Reduce cyclical consumption and planned obsolescence. Design products to last and make them up-gradable. We have the technology, know-how and will to build these things but are stifled suppressed by controlling lobbied interests. I have hope for humanity, I think the vast majority can agree that a clean, sustainable, thriving planet is preferable to a polluted, wasteful one. As long as we do not shift the responsibility onto a 3rd party to handle it (Government) we will succeed. Let us actually be that change as individuals, changing how we act for good. Doing exactly what you are talking about in this video. Good stuff man!


What can I say: This was a detailed and well "composed" comment brother :)

The biggest problem of our world is indeed lobbyism and the currently running capitalism without a doubt. We as person should be the change and take our knowledge and mindset into the decision making places and start initiative in the real world to save our nature, raise awareness and start changes.

I also agree with you about the shift of responsibility. Government can not and will not deal with everything but simple privatization will not succeed as well. We saw this in many european countries where public service got privatized and capitalized. They will decrease the quality, social services to the employees, payment and overall every expenses to reduce costs to compete on the free market. Thats a huge problem lately here..

We will see. I will continue my @cleanplanet walks, continue making such movies and talk with everyone I know about nature and our responsibilities :) We all should do this ^^
