Hey les amis !
Voici un bon moment du STEEMFEST 4 !
@detlev a encore trouvé cette année un joli spot pour se rencontrer autour de STEEMFEST et pour discuter autour de quoi ? ...
Une bière bien sûr !
Un joli moment entre amis...
On garde le sourire ! On est content de partager... c'est magnifique
@louis88 est là ainsi que @cryptospa @vesytz @andywong31 @kevinlee @rmach @liliana.duarte @gtg et tellement d'autres !!!!!
Au passage n'oubliez pas de vous inscrire à @dtube.forum qui va se dérouler à Hambourg au moi de mai 2020 ! Je serai très heureux de vous rencontrer là-bas !
La Team organisatrice vous attend avec @tibfox @hauptmann @sergiomendes @artakush @greencross...
Bon visionnage !
Hey friends!
Here is a good time of STEEMFEST 4!
@detlev has found again this year a nice spot to meet around STEEMFEST and discuss around what?...
A beer of course!
A nice moment with friends....
We keep smiling! We're happy to share... it's beautiful
@louis88 is there as well as @cryptospa @vesytz @nicniezgrublem @andywong31 @kevinlee @rmach @liliana.duarte @gtg and so many others!!!!!
By the way, don't forget to register for @dtube.forum which will take place in Hamburg in May 2020! I would be very happy to meet you there!
The organizing team is waiting for you with @tibfox @hauptmann @sergiomendes @artakush @greencross...
Have a good viewing!
▶️ DTube
Hey @yann0975 what a cool pic. Will „steal“ this for one of my posts.
Here a !BEER for you and make sure you add this post to the week 127 of #BeerSaturday
Hey sure ! Use it if you want to !
I could send you original one
Contact me on discord on cleanplanet Channel 👍😃😃
Not on "therealcleanplanet" but on this link
😃 https://discord.gg/qdUR4KA
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Hey @yann0975, here is a little bit of from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!