Less than 2 weeks ago, I introduced you to the feathered members of my extended family—Daffy, Josephina, Kookoo, Rose —and shared their origin story. If you missed it, you can find it, here:

Meantime, there's been a major development. Daffy - goofy, boy peacock - is not only an adult (they reach full maturity at age 2 and he co-created a couple of eggs, earlier, that perished with disinterest) but, now, he has a legit tail!
Recently, Daffy lost his main squeeze, Kookoo, a tough peahen who passed away after bravely battling a mysterious malady for several months.
Remaining in his harem was Rose, a delicate, jittery thing that Daffy didn't pay too much attention, except to elbow her out of the way when food was served (he's macho that way, and must eat first) or if the poor thing happens to crowd his highness:
They've made a tentative peace, the way survivors do, but I also notice he's become even more regal in gait and demeanor with the arrival of that full-length Shimmering Tail.
It's rather cold, up here in Maryland, so it was difficult to persuade Daffy to fan out his feathers and share their full glory, when I let him out for a supervised walk. But, when he did, O, boy, it was a dazzling event—like many suns filled the sky!

PS - Meantime, here’s another video of him leaping up to his perch, as I offer him an afternoon snack:
▶️ DTube
That is a work of art, indeed, Yahia. Gorgeous. PS: giggling out loud at you and your bride's interactions on that whole how to hold the camera/phone thingie. Sadly - I can relate. :-) Hence, never posting any videos I'd shot.
Haha, glad you enjoyed it, Inna :) Truth be told, I’m the hopeless one when it comes to tech (I just learned which direction to hold up phone & was showing off 😜). I did the dtube vid & YouTube was shot by my neice (8-9 years old) who is a real trip and worked on her poetry after 🤗
Beautiful! Do the males shed their tail feathers at all? I bet you could sell them to craft shops if he did...
Haha, they do shed (around once a year, and start anew, a lesson for us all :)
Never thought of rescuing feathers, you enterprising spirit! Then, again, they were never this long and glorious...
Will run by the missus, my business manager 🤣
Wow, these peacocks are yours? They are so beautiful! I never knew anyone who had peacocks. That's great!
Well, they’re not technically mine—they reside at the in-laws. But, we brought them over, as chicks, and spend a portion of the year, here.
We’ve lost one, and before this batch, had another two (one was eaten by a fox 🦊).
They’re grand pets to have and I’m fond of birds (so as not to say maddened with wing envy). 😜
Here’s origin story, if you missed it:
Whoa! That tail is next level!! I wonder if my chickens would tolerate a peacock in the flock? :)
It is a thing of wonder, and a game changer, for sure! :) It's certainly possible for chickens and peacocks to get along (they're just glorified turkeys). Check out this link, to see how Daffy was actually raised by a chicken, Josephina, who he thought was his mom and acted as a mother hen to all the peahens, too:
Haha awesome. Maybe I'll get one
Wooow man..!! Pet peacock..! 😍
well, ths blew my mind..!
peacocks are so gorgeous and cute..!!!! 😍 😍
his tail is super glowing..!😍
Much love for them alllll..!!!! 🤗
~Greetings from Tennis Girl 🎾🎾
Haha, thanks, for the good cheer 🤗
They’re radiant beings, it’s like being around Living Art!
Glad you enjoyed update & wishing you a good weekend ✌🏼
best wishes for them too..! 🤗
I didn't know that the females were called peahens, makes a lot of sence, but also makes me smile! Beautiful birds!
I didn’t know either, till I started raising them :) Like other birds, the boys are more beautiful (and aggressive) but it’s the girls who pick their mates, so they break kinda even!
we call it "merak", but I have never seen it directly, is it benign? , can he fly! .
Regard, @saifuddin73
Yes, amazingly, they can fly and life to spend the night in trees, out of harm (read fox’s) way.
I mention in the video, above, how the peahen flew to the roof when I let her out & know I have some footage somewhere of their majestic flight..
That's adorable good post upvote me and I will do same