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RE: Earn Steem by Uploading Videos to DTube + Find Solutions to Errors!

in #dtube8 years ago

I've been signed up on SteemIt for awhile but have been so caught up in Crypto fishing I haven't been doing anything with it. But now that there is D-Tube along with SteemIt, I'm really chomping at the bit to get the shows I've been planning started as I have been thinking for EONS !....Thanks Jerry for a great starter post. I think we should all contribute to the tips and tricks as we learn as we go.....plan on a couple of "boiler-downers" myself when I consider myself to be more of a veteran.

FACEBOOK/REDDIT blockchain alternative ? Check !
YouTube blockchain alternative ? Check !
Twitter blockchain alternative ?......SOON to be...(Sept. 12th?) Check !
Blockchain alternatives for storage of value and peer-to-peer tranfers without a bank, government, or borders ? Been "Checking" for a minute !

What's in MY Wallet ? CRYPTOS !

Block Chain Bangers taking over the world Baby !

Everybody have a fantastic day !