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RE: Are Millenials as lazy and screwed up as some people say?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

As a millennial and paramedic. I would say every generation has thier problems. Millennials especially the ones who went out got a job and are trying to do good for themselves don’t have the advantages as thier parents and thier grandparents had when it comes to economy and opportunities. How could my grandpa with no degree get a factory job for 35yrs buy a house and retirement with extra cash? Today most work twice the hours and will probably never be able to buy a house and what is retirement? But like I said every generation has thier problems. I see different people everyday and tbh if it wasn’t for these “milienals” who are in the military, paying taxes, working public safety there would be no way the other generations could survive. I think it’s a our entitled society as a whole is the issue.


You're hitting it right on the head. It's not the generations that are changing, it's the world around them. Placing blame is just a strange attempt at personalizing the issue.

Also I think there are incredible opportunities for millennials that our parents and grand parents never had. Its all about recognizing them and taking advantage of it.

True there’s pros and cons about it. I just don’t understand why the older generations bash millienals so much. I mean they raised them? Lol

Hahah exactly!