There is, in fact, the founder of Aldi is a German and he died recently if I remember correctly.
Regarding my surroundings, I would style it differently, but I have other priorities, I am currently waiting for an incredibly high SBD price to cash out 10000 USD which equals freedom + safety for 1 year if steem would close.
Besides that, I will be able to take care of almost all problems with that amount of cash.
Afterwards, everything will be reinvested into Steem.
I love that store. We shop there all there time. Quality stuff for much cheaper than the other majors. Yes I looked up the history of Aldi. I think it's pretty innovative how the whole setup is. They can afford to keep prices low because they hire fewer people and stock fewer items.
Whatever the case is Earl.
We are learning a very important lesson here.
We are learning to value every fucking penny.
The sons and daughters that grow up rich will not be able to handle cash. That is why Oligarchs don't give their children cash, they make them earn it.
This is just a stepping stone towards riches.
Soon I will be flashing that 10K stack here on Steem and name everyone who helped me get it, which you belong to.
And if you keep posting every day like you are doing now you will do the same as well.
Your Steem power is outrageous!
I was actually planning on doubling my steem power before it went through the roof.
Dang! Puttin in work dude.