
It is truly a matter of perspective, you can chose to BELIEVE whatvyou were told, or use your first hand experience to determine your outlook, do not allow indoctrination to rule your thought

There is the reality that the earth is a large sphere orbiting a star. You can understand that this is true, or you can go off into some weird conspiracy delusion. This guy not worrying about losing friends and work over his delusion is not something to be commended. It is very sad.

If your going to troll people ay least try and make sense, that conment had no structure what so ever.... makes you and the rest of the globetards look terrible

First sentence: reality is that the earth is a sphere and orbits the sun....check.

Second sentence: not accepting reality is delusional. Delusional means holding beliefs that contradict reality....check.

Third sentence: being delusional is not good...check.

Which part didn't you understand, sweetie?

BOOOOOO GTF outta here troll

Well there's the pot calling the kettle black.
Flatearthtards are the real trolls.

You are suffering from government brainwashing and cognitive dissonance. Look up that meanin, because just like the rest of you globetards who belive everything your precious government forced you to believe, you probably never even heard of that term " cognitive dissonance "

You're an idiot.
I'm neither if those. I already know the definition by the way.
No one forced me to think anything.
I am capable of my own experiments.
But YOU can't handle the truth, you can't do math and fail to understand reality.

Look up the actual math equation for the curvature, since your so capable of criticle thinking, tell me how it's possible to have the curve mainstream science reinforces but noone can find that said curve...... some sailors report seeing lighthouses over 135 miles from shore.... counttless times throught history the globe has been proven wrong. And imstead of takin 10 actual minutes tp look into it, you waste your time trolling good people like us tryin to wake up sheeple like you