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RE: Bitcoin shows extreme strength, lets look at big picture

in #dtube7 years ago

Thanks again for your great video, filled with knowledge and insight. Being new to trading, im struggling with two things: patience and anxiety :D But well, practice makes perfection. ;)

I have a question though for you Luc or anyone else: im having a lot of problems trading at Kraken. Im getting a lot of errors when i place orders over there and have to retry, like 2 to 3 times. This already made me lose nice oportunities...
Im thinking of buying BTC or other coins at Kraken and trade at other Exchange like Bittrex. What do you think?

Thanks again for all your knowledge!


Yeah, everyone has the same issue with Kraken.. I have to input my order over and over and keep refreshing .. But I don't need to put orders in quick generally, because I am usually layering orders in for a panic drop that hasnt occured yet. So for me this is not really an issue.. and As far as Bittrex goes, they are my favorite exchange, but, they are using USDT tether as their fiat so I dont have a big account with them anymore.

I was having the same issues with Kraken. Numerous error messages preventing my trade to go through. I informed support and they responded with this:

Jen (Kraken Support)
Sep 2, 16:07
We're aware of the kind of error you're seeing, it's a problem from when our system gets overloaded with traffic. We're in the process of adding capacity to deal with it, but in the meantime we ask your patience while placing trades.
Thanks for using Kraken,

Hopefully, this will be resolved soon. I have an account with Bittrex too. However, I plan on staying with Kraken. Maybe, one day, I 'll learn enough from Luc's videos that I'll start layering my orders in advance of panic drops that I spotted using his trading methodology. Can't wait.

Good luck with trading on Kraken, hope all works out well and you make a ton of money.

Thanks velome.
Im also sticking with Kraken because it has low fees in exchanges from fiat currency (euro in my case). Neverthless, its a bit ridiculous that its server has low capacity. I also have a Bittrex account and never had this problem. Its very fast to setup and cancel orders and it has a LOT more coins listed, so i guess a lot more order traffic that Kraken...
Oh well, lets wait and see. Im also following Luc's suggestion and placing "panic buys". The worst it happens is to have to cancel the order 3 times... :)
Happy trading!

thatks for the update from kraken. I cant stick around with them any more. loosing potential profits are one thing but today it caused me to loose $150 and thats not cool. Im out.

These errors seems to persist on many exchanges.... not just Kraken. I've been frustrated by this too, but I'm finding that it's just part of the game. IN time this will get much better, but growing pains that early adopters have to deal with :/

These issues remind me of the pod races in Star Wars. It is not really a clean race. There are so many things that can happen, being shot off of your pod by a hacker, order errors, markets skimming off profits in tether (allegedly), other racers leapfrogging your bid for better positioning, pump and dumps.......on and on. Yet we race any way. Why, because there is a big pile of cash at the end. The plus side here however is that the odds of the really serious stuff taking us out completely are pretty slim and the race is only perceived as there is plenty for all, but I do find the whole thing pretty fun and exciting! That would make Luc somewhere on par with Yoda. ;)