Livestream Summary
Donald Trump has recently come out and declared Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. This is clearly Zionist garbage policy, as most of Jerusalem is under Israeli occupation via an illegal annexation. Jerusalem also has only been the "capitol" of an Israeli state for a total of 150 combined from the Bible to modern times. They are stoking the differences between the Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world by doing this, as Albert Pike planned to start a World War Three.
By putting the US Embassy in Jerusalem they are likely setting it up to be hit in a false flag operation. Why else would you move it there? Seems really sketchy, like a big waste of money to move and embassy to a more dangerous location.
Also there is a plan to destroy basically the entire temple mount area that is owned by the Vatican to allow them to rebuild it with the Third Temple. I think this is why the Vatican is using their puppet Zionists and puppet Islamic leaders to carry out Pike's third world war. The Vatican bought the land in the Oslo Agreement in 1992. So if everything gets destroyed on the land the land can be used by the Vatican for the Third Temple.
The Rothschild's, the banksters for the Illuminati admit to and basically created the modern state of Israel. They say this themselves:
The Annexation of East Jerusalem ties back to the war between Israel and Egypt and Syria and all the Arab nations basically. To kick off the "Six Days War" Israel committed a false flag attack on the USS Liberty trying to draw the US into the war by Israel against Egypt. Israel started that war by conducting a Pearl Harbor style attack on Egypt destroying Egypt's air force on the ground basically.
So this is what your "America First" president is doing. Seems to me like he is falling right along with the Zionist's plans. Trump is the new style of puppet, and is quite effective however he will always have his "Zionist Ball and Chain" dragging him down:
Peace Everyone and thanks for watching!
Of course this was demonetized and limited on YouTube almost instantly. Censorship is real. Please watch on DTUBE instead of YouTube.
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Everyone thinks his/her own opinion or actions is right, not minding the final outcome.
To me it does not look like something good is coming
@titusfrost i hope to get more update on this
The leaders of united states are gmabling American interests & their lives only for Zionist's plans . This is not "America first" rather its "Israel first". I am really surprized why all these sacrifices only for Israel ?
Help iam new
What you need help with?
I am new aswell. Thanks for telling me about steemit Titus. Is there any more good truthers on this platforms that are trust worthy. I followed honeybee too because i know her pizzagate videos were unbiased. Im also looking for good investment advise on crypto curency. Thanks
The sad reality is that winner of this announcement is only Israel & rest of the world will face consequence of this announcement :(
Yeah 100% agreed. The other winner is the military industrial complex that will win by selling more weapons because of this, and the banksters that make money from everything.
yeah i forgot them , the pressure groups inside america like them who are the real supporter of Israel too & also the beneficiary of this situation.
Did you know” Men and women would not be allowed to hold mixed services, and women would be prevented from reading from the Torah or wearing prayer shawls” Source
Did you know That Netanayhou has 6 Twitter accounts. And he followed No Arab leader except The “middle east gay club” and Palestinian PM.
You know that for first time in a long time a US president kept his campaign promise. Thank you Netanyahu.
Now Trump must ask Netanyahu to allow women to pray on the wailing wall equally next to men.