The Dark Overlord, Flight 93 and Kim Dotcom

in #dtube6 years ago

Recently researchers state they found something interesting in layer 1 of the Dark Overlord's files. That document mentions Flight 93. Also some tweets by Kim Dotcom.

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Keep the good content man!
We need you In!
We gonna need more people seeking the truth!
Check out @awake.and.proud good content too.

What if the passengers did take over 93, and Rumsfeld had it shot down cause it was no longer headed toward WTC7? That is the only scenario that would satisfy me that TDL is not just helping the criminals to cover up the real culprits of 9/11.

They could have taken over, you are right - no one knows what happened.

Ohhh please, really?

An entire, 767 with about 30,000 lbs of fuel apparently 'vaporized' into a hole 15 feet across. No wreckage, no engine parts many of which are made from incredibly strong materials like titanium. No luggage, passenger seats (or passengers). Nothing. Given that there were materials from the plane that were located miles away, it is obvious that it was shot down. But was it even a 767? Perhaps it was a drone that 'replaced' flight 93 and had outlived its purpose as a backup for the other three planes (it was held on the tarmac to take off... and only did so when flight 11 struck the north tower). In the case of C.C. Lyles, I think that what we hear at the end of the call is not her voice, but her 'handler' (federal agent 'assisting' her to make the call) I think that the word(s) we hear are actually: "you did Great!" We have to remember all of the inconsistencies on the day of 9/11 that do not add up, Norman Mineta's testimony on what went between Dick Cheney and a military personnel who kept telling him about the distance the plan was out from something, and asking if 'orders still stand' and Dick whipping his head around and saying "of course they still do... have you heard anything to the contrary!!??" It turns out that he was referring to the 'plane' or whatever it was, coming towards the pentagon. What precisely were these orders? Out of the probably hundreds of cameras that recorded the 'object' that hit the pentagon, all we get, after 17 years, is still just the few frames (and those have evidence of photo-shopping) .. which don't even show an aircraft! We are told that, despite ground effect making it impossible, that flight 177 hit the pentagon in the only section that had been renovated for blast proofing, that was housing the Navy budget analysts department that was working to figure out where the 2.3TRILLION dollars went ..that Donald Rumsfeld had announced were missing only the day before.. on 9/10/01!! You can't make this shit up! Hani Hanjour, who failed flight training in a single engine cessna, someone exectuted an incredibly difficult (and unnecessary) spiral flight path, at speeds exceeding the operational limits of the aircraft, and somehow hit the pentagon so precisely that he did not leave a crater, or hardly even the slightest scratch as he entered the plane into a 15 foot wide hole in the FIRST FLOOR of the pentagon!! Then, as the government explains it, the nose section of the plane (which is made of carbon fiber and can be severely dented by bird strikes) some how punched through several rings of the pentagon and left a circular hole in the E ring wall of the pentagon. Yes, and pigs fly apparently. Just look at any of these ludicrous things that our government expects us to believe... I love the one where they tell us that a man on dialysis, from a cave in afghanistan, coordinated his 'al queda terror cells' to closely coordinate with the classified knowledge that only the highest commanders in the DOJ would have access to regarding plans to have massive amounts of war games going on on the same day as the attacks, at least one of the scenarios being the hijacking of planes that would then be used as missiles against civilian targets. This was all commanded by a bearded guy who had only recently checked himself into a dialysis clinic in Rihad several days before the attacks. The fathomless pit of insults to the world's collective intelligence is astounding. I think that morons who believe the government's story probably could be told that there is a Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and pink winged unicorns! Great video, I can't wait for more information to come out... from anywhere, kimdotcom, dark overlord.. anyone who has real evidence against these zionists who planned and executed all this, need to be outed, tried, and I think we then need to bring back, for these folks only, public executions.

Meant to say that Hani Hanjour hardly left the slightest scratch on the pentagon's lawn in front of the impact area and I think my sentence at the end sounds like I want the people who out the zionists (dual citizens like Mike Chertof) to be executed. No, I want these dual nationalist Israeli zionists who have executed a coup on our government to publicly executed if they are found guilty. Maybe bring back something medieval... drawing and quartering?