Something strange about Greta Thunberg at the United Nations

in #dtube5 years ago

Recently there has a been a lot of news about Greta Thunberg speaking at the United Nations in regards to Climate Change. What is interesting is the people that surround Greta Thnberg one of which works for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Of course this could just be coincidence

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No coincidence. It goes nicely with what Henrik Palmgren tweeted:

Part of the latest campaign by the rich and powerful having fucked up fiat money propping up the stock markets, nearly exhausted property and land , burnt out the planet , the rich now need new investment vehicles and what better than climate change and conservation , of course , we the public will be paying for these bankers and corporations to get a return on thier investments , you know fixing all the devastation they have caused costs money and this way ( it's an emergency!) The public have no time to think, they care and are easily persuaded to police each other , stop driving , take a bus , dont go on holidays , meanwhile the 100 big corps keep right on poluting and the military industrial complex get to fire hundreds of rockets and bombs on a daily basis and produce trillion dollar s worth of weapons, whose asking about how much greenhouse gasses they produce ? If you dont believe , simply Google who is at the top of extinction rebelion .

I've been hearing a lot about her, good and bad things. Look, she has Autism, like my brother, and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, like my brother. He tends to get fixated on things, he's a bit of a martyr in certain circumstances. While he's more secluded, when he speaks about that which he is fixated on and very passionate about, regardless whether it's legit, logical, or out of this world, when he talks, he sounds just like Greta. Or I should say, she sounds like him, cuz she's younger. And especially that it's a big topic these days, her parents are encouraging her for sure. I don't think things are as scary as she makes them out to be, I don't agree with most of what she says, but I don't really have an issue with her either. I'm like, meh, she's acting like my bro.

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