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RE: What Are the Dangers of Anti- and Pseudo-Intellectualism?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

I think it is bad to conflate the two subjects/words.

Anti-intellectuals are the ones who would rather believe their local pastor instead of science and academia.

Pseudo-intellectuals are you guys, who just repeat what the science authority says. If you would have done even a few minutes of unbiased, scientific research on climate change you would have come to the conclusion that the whole hysteria around it is a hoax.

The sea levels rose by 120 meters (~400 feet) in the past 20.000 years and we humans survived it. I am not saying that we do not influence our climate and that we should not pay close attention to what is happening with it, but the current alarming narrative and all this save the polar bear bs, is the very definition of Pseudo-Intellectualism.


I do think I try to distinguish between the two

Maybe I was a little harsh, but here we use the term "pseudo-intellectual" for people who present scientific arguments, but do not offer a scientific explanation.

In example:

Science says we need to stop climate change. --> Pseudo-intellectual

Science says we need to stop climate change, because ... ---> Intellectual

Science says we need to stop climate change, so we should do climate change because all scientists are crooks. ---> Anti-intellectual

Accusing us of being pseudo-intellectual is rather ironic from someone screaming hoax, bs and making it very own definition of Pseudo-Intellectualism.

It is not my definition.

Pseudo-intellectuals are people who think they are intellectual but do not even have a single clue about the matter at hand. Sure, you watched a Docu with Matt Damon on the problem, but that does not make you intellectual.

The way Trump speaks is obviously Anti-Intellectual, because he uses very simple words.

what you say sounds interesting but is using of simple words making you or me an Anti-intellectual? Clearly, that cannot be sufficient. An ability to describe things in simple words would be rather a gift then lack of intellect.

I strive...ehhhm want to use more simple language because of that very reason. Many pseudo intellectuals love to hide behind fancy words and it is no wonder people are so frustrated with science if you have to learn a whole langugae to be part of the discussion.

yep. Jut mentioned F.A.Hayek was talking about this back in 1940's...nothing changed. The consequences can be disastrous....

How is it not bs, when people are crying about a sub group of bears that evolved a few 100,000 years ago (due to extremely cold climate)?