I like stories about prophets, but according to our teachings, I also read stories from you, I was impressed, and I also have stories about the prophet Noah, even though we are different in religion, the important thing is that we respect each other, success is always for you @hebrew , and this is my story ...
Noah was sent by God in an area that was originally simple, in a country where two rivers passed; Euphrates and Tigris. However, as time went on, the simplicity of the area turned into a gripping, strong oppressive weak. From there the beginning of the depravity of the people of Noah.
People begin to forget about worshiping Allah. Noah warned his people to return to the path of Allah. Do not worship the idols they made. People make idols and are placed on the banks of the Euphrates. They named the idols Wadd, Suwa ', Yaghuts, Ya'uq and Nasr. Noah always prays to Allah so that his people are kept away from ignorance.
Many opposed the call of Noah, especially those who had strong positions. When he invited his people to return to Allah's path and stopped worshiping idols, his people assumed that Noah was a madman. They held a grudge against Noah. They opposed Noah's call. Even dare to ridicule him by comparing the possessions of Noah. Indeed Noah the Prophet did not live in wealth like the strongmen.
Not only the strong people, even the weak people do not want to follow the invitation of Noah. They are afraid and think that whatever is right according to the strong, means true in the eyes of the weak. But there are some people who believe in the call of Noah. They are from the poor and oppressed groups.
Noah preached for 950 years. He was not afraid to invite his people back to the path of Allah. Every day he was patient and resigned even though his people had insulted him repeatedly. Even though it looks old, it is still strong. Not only reviled, did the reluctant kafirs often beat Noah. His life knit and did not give up inviting his people, even though his own wife disobeyed.
Until one day, an angel descended to earth and said to Noah, "As often as you call your people, they will still not believe in Allah. Don't throw yourself away for their sake, because they are damned people