
Glad to hear this things being shared on steemig .
You have a very interesting way of presenting things , it makes me understand the entire story . Your taughts that are presented are so connected one to each other , it makes me understand the context and points . I appreciate for how fluent you are and the passion to share with the community .
Keep on doing what you really like .

I like :D

do not forget follow me too ya guys

Thanks for your lovely worlds, I really appreciate them!
It's not easy all the time doing vlogs in a foreign language. Today I was quite tired and it took me a while to get it on tape. But apparently it was worth the efforts :-)
Again, thanks for stopping by and leaving such an uplifting comment - that's my daily boost!

It is my pleasure and i am happy to interact with clever steemians. The effort definetely worth it. Do not feel discouraged about making posts in foreign language, be yourself, the community loves honesty.
Lets roll on.

Nicely said, that's the way to go :-)
Following you now...

Oh, thank you

Love your twitter update - very true!

Ha! I just saw your 'like' :-) Thank you!!

My pleasure :D

Hiii Marly! Happy New Year :)

Thanks for the hospitality at STEEMPark, it was awesome seeing your name on the monument!

Wohooo, it's the very first time I see a picture of my planter at Steempark. Thank you so much for sharing it!!! Upvoted the article right away :-)
Happy Happy New Year!!

Thank you very much for the support! You are one of the most inspiring humans on this entire network and that says A LOT because STEEM is loaded with inspiration!

Oh wow, now I'm speechless. Thank you so much for your lovely words!!! :-)

I remember reading something about how imagined practice is just as valuable as real practice in gaining proficiency. I've also heard alot about how sensory deprivation tanks can aid in learning. There is some truth to this! It makes you wonder about how we should define reality.

Interesting addings here! Thank you @jakeybrown. I think there is a lot of studies on that, especially in the area of psychology. The power of imagination is something very strong.

that are good and our dreamy complation moments and also i appriciate you for your surface your are a brave girl i dont see any one person like you who play on waves and you play very well

It's always very refreshing and encouraging reading such positive feedback! In the end I'm doing these vlogs for you - the community - and not only for myself :-)Sweet! Thanks for the lovely comment, @robrowe.

rare to see a fellow surfer on here @surfermarly, we must be some of the first. I am currently surfing Peru, where do you mainly surf?

Oh I'm surfing around on Steemit since July 2016 actually :-)

Peru - nice! I'm based on Canary Islands (close to the Western African coast). And there are many more! Just check the #surfing tag.

Interesting video. It is all about perception. I did not have similar experience, but I did have "deja vu" feelings and they were very strong.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed these 3 minutes :-)
Oh YES I know these type of feelings, too! Deja vus can also be very intense.


Welcome! You got the POWER!! I invite you to check my vlog :)

Everytime I see the wife I get de ja vu

You mean every time you see your wife you have a Deja vu? That sounds pretty logical to me, hahaha

Sometimes we end up dreaming about them in our sleep

nice dtube. so cool

Originally life is not so easy.We all try to make it easy.
You always uploads interesting and important post.I also Upvote and resteem your post.Upvote and resteem done.

I really like this train of thought Marly. And you are totally right. reality and dreams and the line in between is very slippery, who knows what is real or not or what is more valid as an experience.

I find it very interesting you had an experience like this while surfing. Action sports (physical activity that brings you very much into the present moment) can alter your brain activity and completely change your state of consciousness, much like other consciousness altering activities (trance dance, psychedelic substances) allowing us to either activate or shut down certain areas of our brain allowing for altered states.

Flow/Zen is and amazing state of consciousness that is not understood nearly enough. Luckily there are some people looking into it. Checkout the flow genome project

Some amazing people doing scientific research on the benefits of these states of consciousness, much like you experienced.

Thank you so much for sharing, its great food for thought and will have me thinking all day!

Keep up the good work.

That's good.

Thanks for this video! Your power is over 9000!!! :)

Hahahaha i love your post!
Well I'm new in here and I post amazing pictures about yoga because tha's my passion! I follow you! kisses <3


I was woken up after surgery for my wisdom teeth. It was a little upsetting as I was in the middle of catching the perfect left hand wave at J Bay. I wondered if I was actually there as a result of it feeling so real ;) Interesting post about dreams and reality.

I really like the style you make dtube style😀

happy new year friendUseful and informative post thank you dear friend @surfermarly

Crazy, but we have in our dreams life, i think so.

Imagining or rather visualising you doing or achieving something actually goes a long way you doing it in reality. It's not just surfing, it applies to practically every aspect of life . Nice Vlog! :)

Great video, thanks for this. Continue the good work!

this is the second video i a watching and dont mind i will watch all the missing one

With your VLOG you could try it.... or with other category...
Maybe you could do a vlog for this contest too !!!!!
We are in FRANCE... and we will send the Price by Post to the winners if they are not at our FRENCH MEETUP on 2018/03/03...
Just have a look... may be you will be interest !
hi @surfermarly We are @steemauvergne.... an association of 5 steemians, i am @yann0975. We organize soon a Dtube contest.... international... just have a look at my Vid on @steemauvergne... i just explain this... @yann0975 for @steemauvergne