
Have you seen how Dluiev and Dtube bots come aroudn and just bless majr upvotes onto new riginal content provide rs? Its REALY cool, dmania does it too for memes, its realy inspiring, i love seein new users getting a big boost like that

Im featuring planet steem and ur posts in my latest post hah

WOAH I was reading the comments and I notcied someone said ;Ill go check out ackza 's blog " and i was liek WAIt did she mention me in teh dtube video?? and i saw i mised that kast line THANKS forthe shoutout yo! Ima make mroe videos and promote you too, we can each tell our followers to bounce off each otehsr posts

I will refer yo your video u can refer t ,ine we can geenrate a really funny rabbit hole haha

(comein back later to crrect the typos lol this is gonan be fuin to do a recording with you hahaha )