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RE: DTube - Top 5 Truther YouTube Channels With Under 1000 Subscribers - ScrewYouTube

in #dtube7 years ago

I think it was around the year 2005 or 06 that I had the most enjoyment on YouTube. As some of you would know that is before Google bought YouTube. Not long after that they started to make changes. First they change the look of the website, just subtly. Then at some point they started a massive push for copyright. And in the recent years there has been an ever-increasing move that can only be defined as censorship and some kind of political enforcement of rules. Now we have reached the depths of human interaction with private companies. These private companies actually believe that they have the right to interfere with our freedom of speech simply because we utilize their space their platforms four different forms of communication and socialization. In their judgement it's their website so they can do whatever they want. And their judgment whatever rights they have to their company's platforms superseded our constitutional rights and human rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression and freedom of political beliefs and affiliation Etc.
Imagine for a second that you are at the restaurant with your friends and someone starts talking about politics, and one of you voices beliefs that run contrary to what the restaurant owner believes. No he underweight is come and start washing your mouth out with soap. That would never be acceptable. That would never be legal. Even if you were to kick you out for your beliefs that would still cause a major controversy because it's none of his damn business what political beliefs you have as long as you're not pushing them on him or any other customers. But when it comes to the internet it seems that companies can do anything. They can sensor you, delete your comments, rewrite your comments and still published them in your name as if you wrote that abomination, block your profile from being seen, sell your data, delete your profile.
I am not saying that freedom of speech is absolute, what I am saying is that if someone makes a comment that is contrary to the law then let the responsible magistrate deal with it. The court can rule that it is illegal and it must be deleted. Yes that could take a while, maybe Years. But in doing so we guarantee that a most valuable freedom is not infringed unnecessarily and arbitrarily and especially at the whims of some person somewhere behind a keyboard who neither has the competence nor the necessary neutrality to make such decisions. If you are reading this message then you are part of the resistance. Freedom is non-negotiable! If they can take our freedom of speech what do you think they're coming for next?!?