Ninja Warrior Application Video #1
Some of you may know I was on Series 1 and 2 of Ninja Warrior UK. If not then you've probably not been following me long, I do like to mention it as often as possible. "Yes, that sky is incredible, did I mention how nice the sky was when I was competing in the final of Ninja Warrior UK". That kind of thing, I mean come on, pressing that buzzer CoughThree Times Cough Cough, was probably the coolest thing I'm ever likely to do. I'm just a photographer dudes!
This was my application video for series 2. I'd actually skipped the video for series 1, but as it was brand new (read - not many applicants) I got an audition anyway. I didn't actually get a place on the show but apparently they had put me on a shortlist (would have been nice to know!) They ended up having someone pull out of the first show so I got the call three hours before filming started. A quick one hour drive and I was at the location ready to go. As it transpired I wouldn't film my run until 11.45PM that evening! After hours of waiting around (far worse for @vtravels who had to sit in the audience for all that time! Backstage we had snacks/drinks/TOILETS - she had none of these!) Long story [slightly] short I took a dive on the 4th obstacle. To make matters worse I didn't even have a change of clothes!!
My First Application Video
Ok, so I'll admit I had a bit of an advantage in that I had a decent enough camera to shoot the video, and tripod etc (And help from Verity of course!) I suppose a degree in Film Production was handy, although in fairness I spent the three years cutting class to go take photos with V rather than making films! I wanted to get my application in IMMEDIATELY as the producers had told me that the quicker you get it in the better your chances. That was the start of my annual 'Ninja Warrior Submission Video Day' where I'd have a day to film, edit and upload my application video. For this one the idea came really quickly, and it went from idea to upload in 24 hours! In the years that followed I would spend months thinking about these before the big day arrived!
(The Ninja Warrior UK account made this, not me!)
Oh, and this was the application for Series 2, I was lucky enough to get on the show again (along with my Dad and Sister who competed for the first and only time) and finish the entire heats course, all of the semi-finals course and go out on the third obstacle of the final where I was one of the top 15 for that series!
I think I'll probably skip this year, but watching this back makes me want to go film another just for the sake of it! Stay tuned for the 2016 and 2017 application videos!
▶️ DTube
This is amazing! "The night of Sansom" - ah, that is the coolest thing ever!
This video is hilarious. Your dad, the bag of oranges, the constant throwing of phones... it's so good. I'm going to have to really step up my game for my next application video... I can't believe you did it in 24 hours... you're a video machine!
Haha I felt rather proud! They showed my run as the first person to complete the course in the second semi finals episode, I was actually slow as hell (We all knew that just finishing would guarantee the final) so I think they had to play it first so it looked a little more impressive!!
Haha I got so into it! I dunked myself in the bath for the shot of me after falling in (although I really did drive home at gone midnight soaking wet!) Looking forward to seeing some epic application videos from you!
Hahaha, Verity told me about your drive home... So good, so much passion for Ninja!
Man, so much stepping up from me required. These production companies ask you not to upload your application videos, but I doubt they'll check dtube for a couple if years yet - booyah!
Do they? That's so weird, over here they accept youtube links, although they totally don't appreciate this kind of effort, I feel like my passion is somewhat wasted!
Hahaha, but Dtube was made for comedian photographer ninjas!
Oh hey... would you or Verity have any fitness photos I could use for Steem? You know the type... moody, sweat, abs, etc...
Fraid not man, it's not something we've ever really done, done a few for my local climbing lab but nothing along those lines!
Fair enough!
I had done heeeeaaappppsss! But they're all sitting on a hard drive on the other end of the planet. I could find a trillion photos online, but I want to highlight Steem photogs.
I've set this guy up Fitnation Curation... because as you said... not busy or dedicated enough.
Dude, seriously, I have no idea how you are going to manage all of this stuff!!
Hahaha, I know right... I'm nervous.
I just bought a desk task timer thing... I'll just give each project 30 minutes, and my training and hour and hopefully get it all done each day before bed. If that doesn't work... well... then I've definitely overstretched.
Loving the vid!! Glad to hear that the second series went better. Guess you are a fully qualfied Ninja Warrior now, not sure how that works out for you? Work as an extra in Mortal Kombat films?
Haha thanks! It worked out really well that second year! The last couple of years I didn't get back in so I think my time as a Ninja may well be coming to an end!
So funny, I think you need to do another one this year just for fun :)
Haha yep, I think I'm going to have to!
It is really great stuff while we are watching the video with my wife we laugh a lot... :D and we appreciate your labour because I know it is not easy to make a video like this...
thank you for your sharing and have a nice day my friend...
Thanks :) Glad it made you guys laugh! I love making this kind of thing just for fun but it's always nice to share them!
Waaaaaaaay cool!
Haha thanks! I still think it's super cool, but then it's not really cool to think it's cool....hmm, the cool-uncool paradox again!
ahahahaha :) I really enjoyed this video!
Thank you Ceren! Glad you liked it!!