Your berries are great and the way you drew and painted it, there's definitely a distinct spider style there. It is much great that you can draw freely without looking at reference. In this case, the berries do look like they're almost too ripe for eating, but they might still be good for juicing :D.
Oh yes, a sakura tree is going to be an exciting thing to draw! I might try to wait a while for that one because it might bloom soon here, hopefully.
Friday night :D :D :D!
aaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy it isn't a skill to mangle through things without proper reference, next time i will do as you suggested and even if i dont have actual strawberries at hand, i should try to find reference on the net and put it near me as i am drawing :D :D :D
YESH, sakura tree! I am also excited :D :D :D But I kinda wanna re-do the RINGO piece for my own challenge, so might do APPLE next then SAKURA TREE~