Hi, I am Lyndsay! Is that how your family and friends call you? 😊
I like calling people their first name, makes me feel connected. 🤗
Ohh it is really deserving. I hate listening to auto-tunes if not only the beat I catchy.
I really appreciate the effort. It's amazing how you get did it in less than a week, am not sure how to calculate the 'very' exact # of hrs, lol I guess I doesn't really matter. I music video came out amazing! ❤️
That's really nice to know that you have a very supportive family and super friends ^_-
Which country are you from?
Call me Gilaine or Gil for short, people spell
my name most of the time 😂
Yes, you can certainly call me Lyndsay, and a beautiful name you have Gilaine :)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 We're from Canada, on the east coast, and @davidfar lives in Iran, so the song was very multinational :) Where are you residing?