Time and Tenure. Steam block chain is like an onion. There are layers that only time can teach you. Genuinely follow other people that you like their content. Curate and watch the block chain for a good 3 months prior to starting anything that you do. Gain an honest following by commenting genuinely on other people's content who you enjoyed. Make friends have fun go to meet ups so you can learn the intricate parts of blockchain technology. Steemit is just a DAPP on Steem blockchain. One of many front ends. If you don't understand something use your resources there are plenty of ways to look up and free classes and blog sites that help it's not even funny. But all of it takes time . It's not overnight. But if you do all these things your time and tenure on the steem block chain will be worth your wild. I've gained more than just crypto currency. I can trade in the market buy BTC, LTC you name it. Make short term gains trading. But again all of this takes time and Tenure. You can't cheat it, you have to learn it. Heres a video I made that may help clear some little things up.
If you have any more questions please just ask. It may not be an answer youd like but it's the truth and if I know something I always help show people. Whether by request with video tutorial or getting a hold of me directly. DONT GIVE UP. Follow my advice and you'll see. In about a year you'll have a better understanding of the entity known as #steem
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