DTube - Trump Shoots Himself In The Foot Infowars Gets Suspended & Fubar And The TPB Are Truthers!

in #dtube7 years ago

President Trump just shot himself in both feet by launching a trade war and by going after the guns!

If this doesn't snap Trump supporters out of their #MAGA delusion then I truly don't know what will! Meanwhile censorship is running rampant as the Alex Jones Channel was just suspended so it now seems that social justice warriors have worked their way to the top of our various social media platforms and now their ideologies are starting to have an effect on us all! And on top of all that it turns out that The Trailer Park Boys are awake to the issues PFT exposes and so are the guys from Fubar!

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth brings you his latest installment of "What You Need To know"

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▶️ DTube

That's why I quit the NRA when they endorsed Trump, I knew that no matter what he was saying right now that he once called for an assault weapons ban. I like to see a Canadian fired up about the American second Amendment, that warms my heart.


Research Trade Facilitation Agreement
Every country around the globe is NOW bound by it. This "Trade War" is smoke and mirrors.

Trump always was a ruse, as was Russiagate. I put a post together on why he was the chosen one for the Deep State, AIPAC, Goldman Sachs and various elitist oligarchs back in October that exposes the main elite behind him. There is no swamp draining just more of the same. His blue tie was simply to add more confusion and stir the pot, placate the blues and make the reds think he's playing 10 degree chess. He's simply a puppet, like Obama. I appreciate your work Dan.

Beyond The Divisive Agenda – Defining Donald Trump As A Tool of The Zionist-Elite And Why He Was Really Placed In Power To Wage War on Iran


And Al-Qaeda gets nominated for another Oscar from Hollywood tonight.

Oscars Goes To Bat For Al-Qaeda Sunday Night March 4th As Hollywood Promotes "Last Men In Aleppo" Terrorists Psy Op - (Latest White Helmets Exposed Twitter Posts) - Trumps State Department came through with the Visa's for the terrorists in the end.


Appreciate your point of view as always. But, I still think Trump is more of a loose cannon than a deep state puppet. I think Trump is wailing under manufactured pressure. And it seems he's off the plot of bringing up big pharma vs gun control. It was a perfect opportunity to disclose truth about SSRIs.

very nice

Putting tarrifs on these metals, is goin to be passed to the consumer. I wonder if he thinks it is goin to push the USA to start manufacturing goods made of these material here in the US? With pretty much everything being brought in from over seas this is a long shot, very very long shot.

definitely mate! it is worth to listen to this podcast :

you don't think we manufacture goods in the US?

No, there is stuff manufactured here in the US but just look on the shelves at the stores and see where the majority of stuff comes from, not the US.

If you actually look, depending what stores and what stuff, a lot of stuff is made in America.

That is true but the majority is from elsewhere. It might be assembled in the US but the raw materials themselves come from elsewhere. Take danner boots for instance. They say made in the USA but all the material come from overseas. Now Wesco boots uses ONLY materials from the USA to build their boots. That’s the big difference in assembled and made in the USA. Just my .02

you have to read the labels that's for sure, I am often surprised to see a lot of things made in America that I would not expect to be, Bic lighters from Walmart, it's not even an American company yet they are made in America. Things like iPhones are made in china because Chinese people work cheaper than trying to retool an automated assembly line every few months when a new model comes out. But something like tube socks that are mostly made by a machine and don't change much over time are available American made. But if you are not careful they will be assembled in America. America produces a lot of raw materials, oil, lumber, cotton, corn. The only things it makes sense to outsource are those that are very labor intensive to manufacture. As robots get more flexible cheaper and easier to program Chinese workers will become obsolete.

alex jones channel is still up on youtube?

It’s only a matter of time before they totally get censored. I’ve sent a couple emails to them about steemit and d.tube. We all need to blow them up, with emails that is. 😉

hi there,always like your reports.You seem a very genuine guy.

@pressfortruth great stuff guys! definitely Trump's trade strategy will cause big damage to the USA... Loved the postcat Peter Shiff recently did reflecting about it...

I think the actors of FUBAR and TPB, should've been out've character when being serious about a serious issue. Them being in character like that doesn't validate the cause. If the cause was smoking weed and drinking beer than fine. But, Press for truth focuses on serious issues that affect us all and if not taken serious, can have dark impacts on our lives.

So i guess the big question is..... how is this going to effect the prices on the scap metal i haul to the recyclers? :)

The communists, disguised as "liberals" or "social progressives" have slowly, gradually, & carefully infiltrated every agency, department, NGO, and platform throughout the 20th century. Read Cleon Skousen's book 'The Naked Communist' that came out in the late 50's exposed the plot to bring down America from the inside. Any and every person that wants to preserve what little shreds of society we have left needs to read this book. Not only read it, but understand it in a holistic context. The constant yapping back and forth between the "opposing" parties is nothing but theater. There is ONE party, the elite, and they have been working on a plan to subjugate the entire world.

Trump is such a dangerous idiot.

OMG that is shocking to see Trudeau not being able to string two words together. Looks like a total retard which I guess he is.

Keep on keeping on
Thank you

How was he still doing live shows and posting videos after his second community guidelines strike? Because they were lying!

Saya sangat tidak suka dengan trump

In Germany the "water is starting to boil" too
Tommy Robinson is doing a very good job for Europe.

Given the History of past leaders of the USA and the MSM ...
and the results and achievements using his genius and common-sense over the last 12 months...
I'd be putting my trust in POTUS Trump