Everyone wants to know what the heck does fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 mean?
In the latest cryptic tweet to come from Wikileaks's Julian Assange a 60 digit code now has the internet scratching it's head. The curious tweet also included the song "Paper Planes" by MIA which has led many to speculate about what the significance of this release may be...
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth encourages the viewer to not get their hopes up about a major truth bomb coming anytime soon as this appears to be yet again another limited hangout coming from Assange and wikileaks.
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Who do I know that is MIA? Oh ya the holder of the biggest paper plane ever created! Satoshi Nakamoto? Could that be the big reveal? I wonder if Wiki leaks is about to finally reveal the true history of Bitcoin and real intention and the underlying motivation behind crypto?
I am saying it first!
fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 60 character long key for something. Bitcoin has 50 chars in the key. This seems to be some kind of hash. But for what?
I didn't know Bitcoin had 50 chars. Thanks for the education @wobblle
It's like around 50 characters, either way, It's not the right hash for bitcoin. I just checked.
I think he's bullish on Iota and hoping for donations, either that or its just another psyop distraction ;-)
I see a positive future for many intelligent, positive people along with the history of Bitcoin and crypto.
now that is an interesting theory
Awesome theory! I can’t wait to see if you’re right.
That would be so cool! Highly doubt it.
thats cool
what you think about this

Thats a great post,,
keep it up,,
#contribution comment #Wow i am a big #fan of you,,
Thank you @pressfortruth
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They are obviously seat allocations on Flight #007 out of Heathrow Airport.

I think Wikileaks has pretty much telegraphed to the whole world that Julian Assange will be will be released very soon.
The questions is, is it going to be TODAY ( 4 January 2018!)
If it is, have a drink and pop corn ready! It will be a wild ride!
The US media is going to have a meltdown!
Hell is gonna FREEZE OVER( well, never mind. In the US east coast, it already has!)
Even thought "cryptic" , it is clear from Wikileaks last few communiqués about the impending release:
1. Directly from Wikileaks, it was the M.I.A. song, Paper Plane, which to me implies flown out of the Ecuadorian Embassy asylum, and
2. from Wikileaks Twitter page itself, TODAY will be the date for some YUUUGE announcement. Here are some still images from their video:
Welcome to 2018 folks!
The wild ride has just begun!
Images source:
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
I stopped caring what Assange says since 2010 when he claimed "9/11 was a false conspiracy".
A controlled opposition shill pretending to be hostage in a convenient Embassy location with balcony for the media. And British Police are not laying siege to the Embassy like they made us believe but infact are there to protect it from those too curious or wishing to investigate, as I experienced myself.
Wikileaks is a masonic controlled opposition operation. The Hour Glass is a masonic symbol that stands for Memento Mori, just like the Skull & Bones. And the World melting into a New World (Order). And of course Wikilieaks wastes no time advocating for more powers to the UN! (note also the light blue/white colours of Blue Lodge Freemasonry and of the UN).
They are a front. They just let us know what the Intelligence Agencies (CIA, MI6, Mossad etc) want us to know.
Of course they focus constantly on the fact we are being spied upon (as we didn't know already), just like the Pharaohs wanted their slaves to know they was being watched all the time. Fear is control.
M.I.A. is another fake anti-system, her role was to promote mass immigration and other globalist agendas. From the masonic symbology she displays I'd say she's a mason herself or an "illuminati" from the Ordo Templi Orientis (masons who don't like being called masons). Assange has been promoting M.I.A. for years. These masonic agents all promote each other, hence the celebrity circus around Assange. A circle-jerk of frauds.
Thank you for useful info!
what is this??
Actually Assange has given more truths and exposed more corruption than any other journalist thus far. As for the dangling carrot, his delivery or lack thereof of flammable information may very well be not only strategic but necessary for outcome. Remember people, don’t shoot the messenger, digest the content of the message. People have lost there lives (Seth Rich just one of many) getting that information to Assange.
My $0.02 worth:
Extracted from the Ecuadorian Embassy.
Enroute , in a plane, to somewhere.
If anything dangerous happens, here is the key to...
Here is an excerpt from MIA song:
Pirate skulls and bones
Lethal poison for the system
Yeah, I got more records than the K.G.B.
So, uh, no funny business
Are you ready all?
Thanks for the info.
Assange 2020!
No upvote this time @pressfortruth :-) You've recorded a 4:44 video to tell us that you're totally unexcited about Assange's tweet, that it's no big deal, and to insert an ad to one of your previous videos...
It excessively reminds of mainstream media covering tricks about nothing. Hope the Steemit business model will not consistently affect the quality of your journalistic work (which I globally admire and support).
Maybe it's just a typo...
What does it signify
happy new year
Cracking the Cryptic MIA Code is significant to the latest version.
Interesting probably his receive address for bitcoin
No doubt some kind of BTC signal ;D
Nice post
the content doesn't worth the title /:
Happy new year :)
It does say "cracking" instead of "cracked".
But I know what you mean... kind of a clickbait indeed.
what I really mean is that when reading the title the reader expect more solid information that was found inside, anyway looking forward to read the next post @pressfortruth Thanks for your reaction to my comment @lucas.errejota
This is a great post
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice post good job
fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3 What does this code mean?
I do not know what this code means.
Hillary's secure email password probably
No. Too complex for that. Look more for BillandChelsea123 for HilLiary's password.
Some people like being strung along.
“MIA is the Julian Assange of pop music,” ...
They have been friends for many years and have worked together. In 2013 it was demonstrated in the middle of a MIA concert where Assange appeared.
In the song Atention she was having difficulty coming up with words that rhyme with ‘tent,’ the Wikileaks founder helped her so..a curious relationship :)
Ah! And in 2010, M.I.A. released a mixtape titled ‘Vicki Leex’ haha
Seriously - trouble with a word rhyming with tent? Pretty much the most rhymed word in the English language? Start at B and work your way from there, just about every letter in the alphabet ends up making a word.
Or just go with the treemen.
great awesome post
what do you think the code may mean?
Nice post
Happy new year!!
Wow very nice post... thank you for sharing with us...@pressfortruth
Happy new year to you..
Happy new year great steemian
I like your postgood job dear @pressfortruth
Has anyone actually cracked the message and its meaning ? Maybe there is a secret behind it and the world's best hackers and people that are deep into cryptography are trying to solve this asap.
Is there going to be a day when I will be disappointed by pressfortruth ? You are AWESOME . Keep up the great work and thanks for contributing to the Steemit Community.
Very cool...just posting my first comment to get this SteemRoller going lol
upvoted, follow me back please
Wow exceptionally pleasant post @pressfortruth
Whats wrong with Dtube?
Cant upload to it
Interesting post indeed!
@pressfortruth This will be interesting..
Very informative blog and vlog as well.
Happy new year everyone!
thank you
Very good question! Hope we can find out, I'm hoping its something to do with steem!
interesting post on this so called paper planes appreciate it
very nice post thanks for sharing this post with us and your expressions are super cool
Hahaha nice your post bro
my code error when viewing it 😂
Very nice post....
what's going :)
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I don’t know bro