DTube - THE Most Important Thing To Know About The Classified FISA Memo

in #dtube7 years ago

Everyone wants to know, what's in the classified FISA memo??!

A four page intel memo compiled by house intelligence is said to contain evidence of an extensive abuse of power and highly illegal collusion between the Obama administration, the FBI, the DOJ and the Clinton Campaign against Donald Trump and his team during and after the 2016 presidential election.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth reveals the ultimate deception going on here which is in fact the promotion of the concept of democracy itself in general which perpetuates the illusion of choice on the grand political stage.

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Trump was the "hope porn" people were waiting for. He was going to "lock her up" and "launch a new investigation into 9/11" A certain 'alternative media' outlet is also saying the memo proves Trump isn't part of the "illuminati". It's almost as if people have gone back to sleep, or they're taking a nap.

I wish I got one of those t-shirts.

Lock them all up!

Great post..i like it..

Great post. I don't understand why democracy and right to vote is valued so dearly by the westerners. What benefits does democracy bring to people ???
India is world's biggest democracy. India has more poverty than entire Africa. India's capital Delhi is the rape capital of world. Women are not safe even in broad day light. The corruption in India ranks in world's top five. The crime rate in India is more than Mexico and Columbia.
For average Indian people, What are the benefit of democracy ? What are the benefit of voting ? practically none.
Being the biggest democracy in the world, Indian people are suffering from poverty, corruption and crime. How can democracy bring peace and justice to any other nation ?
It is simple science experiment. If an experiment fails once, even If you repeat that experiment a hundred times, it will fail a hundred times.

I feel sorry for Arab youth, who got brainwashed into believing that they wanted democratic systems for their countries. They had lavish lifestyles, free housing, free electricity, free higher-education in their kingdoms. Look what is their condition now :(

Exactly right, you can choose and pick any country which America invaded and claims to bring democracy since 9/11 and you will find a failed state and suffering people. Take an example of Libya or any other nation, which were so progressive and people had such a high living standard with so many free facilities and now they all are starving for safety and basic necessities.

very true. democracy is nothing more than mob rule, at least in its present form. the only way to make it work is to have it in a system where individual rights are also protected, otherwise anything the majority wants, good or bad, is the law of the land.


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If this post bothers you, feel free to just flag it! No need to be bitter.. Thanks! :)

Very surprised you did not include the mass arrests of pedophile rings as a factor in all this. When you consider former Speaker of the House - Dennis Hastert was busted as a pedo with a taste for young boys, and contrast that with the over 3000 arrests of child traffickers, it paints a vivid picture. And that picture is that Globalists have been using sexual blackmail as a form of control.

On the on hand you have Johnny Politician from PIgknuckle Arkansas who goes to DC as a good southern boy wanting to do right by his people. He gets there. And then perhaps ends up at a party or private event. He's approached by a woman and he sleeps with her. The next morning is when the compromise happens.

Either the "woman" he slept with was actually a 14-year-old girl made up to look like a mature and consenting adult or he is drugged and preteen girls or boys are brought in to create damning evidence against our hypothetical Congressman.

Also consider the fact that Trump absolutely destroyed a goon squad of NWO goose steppers during the RNC debates. And the best example of that was when he called out Jeb Bush for his family’s involvement with 911. To me this was an absolute independent takeover of the Republican Party. And as we all know how things turned out for the last Billionaire to run as an indie with Ross Perot, it’s seems Trump figured out the independent thinkers in this country were a large part of the people who voted for Perot.

Granted I think Sessions is a bit old fashion when it comes to weed laws. And there is evidence to suggest the recent laws he passed were not designed to harass states’ rights in terms of weed. And, in fact the motivation for this law was yet another salvo against the child trafficking rings as they have begun to diversify.

According to Craig Sawyer's Contraland trailer, "Child trafficking worldwide, is a bigger business than the illegal drug trade.". Think about that for a second. Have you seen Narcos on Neflix? Just doing the math on what one cartel from Medellín was able to rake in over a billion a month.

When you consider the 1000's of missing children every year, Laura Silsby and her attempt to traffic 33 children from Haiti, and the dark practices of some of the secret order, it seems the appetite for children goes beyond sexual desire. There is a lot of evidence to suggest there is a network of elites who engage in Satanic Ritual Sacrifice.

So while I absolutely love you and appreciate your work, I will have to respectfully disagree with the Double D today. There is a larger picture at work here. And when you consider that Trump's first move was to nullify TPP and TPIP it sets a tone for a positive and mutually beneficial form of capitalism. Granted, I see there is a bit of a contradiction by using the term capitalism as we have seen it abused over and over throughout history. And perhaps Trump seems a little too pro-big oil/coal/gas. But also consider some of the things he dropped in his speeches about "innovation".

The way I see it, Trump winning was like the world dodging a bullet. And that bullet was Hillary's blatant loyalty to globalist's plans of world domination. And, they would not have stopped until the world resembled what we saw in Hunger Games.

Now that I have access to my Dtube account, I will be releasing my research soon. Thank you again for the inspiration to get on Steemit. And by the way, I love that shirt! (My New World Order shirt says Dakine. Yeah sure Dakine is a surf/outdoor outfitter type lifestyle company. But, I got it for $9. And I the more I think about it, the more I feel I need to buy shirts not made by sweat-shop workers.).

Don't vote...it only encourages "them". Unelected bankers, as you point out Dan, have their puppets on short strings. Wilk BitCoin finally end the bankers hegemony? I think yes.

I think a very interesting analogy can be drawn between the 'Control-System' (or the shadowy, behind-the-scenes controlling families referred to in the video - and their even shadowy-er superiors!) on the one hand, and the psychology of a regular individual 'Control Freak' (we can also see this in an honest observation of our own - yes your - mundane, everyday control freakery :)......
When all is going well and all is under 'control' the entity (ie the control system or the control freak) is relatively relaxed - the illusion of power is sustained by the sense of being in control and of weilding this power. However, when things start to get OUT of control (when it is 'challenged'), then the attempts to hold onto power increase dramatically. In the control-freak human individual, we might see this as a strengthening or reinforcing of patterns of behaviour - shouting, violence, active/passive aggression, intimidation etc - aimed at restoring this sense of control. At the level of the control-system, we may see it as increased usage of state-violence and propaganda, increased triggers for spreading fear (eg false-flag operations) and other means of exerting control which may have produced results in the past.

In fact we are seeing exactly this take place on the global stage, and it seems as if the Control-System tantrums have been getting more and more dramatic (and absurd). The 'challenge' IMO, comes from humanity 'waking up', or becoming more 'aware', coupled with greater transparency of what was once hidden, as well as MUCH greater access to information. Indeed, some have made a useful comparison between the advent of the printing press and the widespread availability of the internet - in terms of taking human awareness/consciousness to the next level. I tend to agree.

So, in conclusion, my position is one of relative optimism. The fact of the control freaks freaking out is an indication that the challenges are now getting more than can be sustained by the old way of thinking and the old patterns of behaviour. This leaves room for a new paradigm to repalce the old, and, my friends, this is taking shape at breakneck speed, just invisibly, and unreported. The control-freak, when in the height of the freak episode, is willing to sacrifice almost everything to retain a sense of control - this is also the point after which the drama becomes transparent to anyone who is not intimidated by the shouting and screaming and posturing. We're at, or close to that point, and change, when it comes, will be the supersonic rolling of a critical-mass tsunami - IMHO :)

Peace and Namaste

Its not realy nice to watch or hear news today. I hope, that at least the FCC net neutrality act gets invalidated.

Not voting is definitly the wrong choice due to it changing nothing. On the other hand voting non Mainstream parties where you check where their politicians are from(Marketing? Companies? Normal dudes ?) can make a difference.

I love that, you are who we need in this current situation, thanks for the update man
Love to get more update

'Dan Dicks of Press For Truth reveals the ultimate deception going on here which is in fact the promotion of the concept of democracy itself in general which perpetuates the illusion of choice on the grand political stage.'

What a revelation! Could this really be true?

Bahahaah, NICE SHIRT, Dan! : D
Thanks so much for questioning "authority" and promoting Liberty.

Thanks for this video Dan :)

Trudeau is a fn traitor, and so are those in power complicit.

Thanks for this video Dan :)

Hi @pressfortruth, I nominated you to take part in the 7 day black and white challenge in my latest post!

Great Video. In a true democracy, if there ever were such a thing, no votes and spoilt papers would be counted too along with turnout. As they are not, you are right. The only thing to do is not vote.

i think i reall need to do a bit of research on this

So Dan if you think not Voting will change anything I'm not convinced. President Trump and President Obama now these are two puppets from very different masters. Elected & Selected? this was a very different election the usual (Selectors) were scooped I suspect. This video Dan seems unlike your other videos in many ways. This video almost seems like it was written by someone other than you? Maybe I was switched over to another very similar universe again, this Dan is not as Positive as the Dan from my last universe.
Still well worth funding. Love your work Dan this one felt ...........unfinished is all.
PS the parallel universe comment well it was a stab at humour. Cheers my friend