They're either extremely incompetent or they're diabolically calculated for destruction but either way this isn't looking good for the government.
On the morning of Saturday January 13th at approximately 8:08 am an emergency warning was issued to the people of Hawaii telling them to seek immediate shelter from an incoming ballistic missile. The threat has since been ruled as a mistake and everyone is supposed to just forget about this and go back to their lives as normal...
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth lays out the three possible scenarios for what really happened this morning while pointing the finger at who he feels should be suspect number one... the American Government.
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It seems to be a mistake
The government is not waiting for a compelling reason to interfere in the affairs of others
God bless you
Wow. Someone is going to get fired.
It was a double dog dare and when someone double dog dares you you have to push that button.
In all seriousness I feel terrible for those who thought they had an incoming missile attack. They don't need a two people redundancy system, just one solid marine.
Hello @pressfortruth please you vote me and follow me i am from indonesia @bilqis07 please tank you
Maybe to show that the threat of a North Korean nuke hitting Hawaii is greater than zero. Look for more talk about US doing a preemptive military strike on North Korea.
Simple Mistake occurs many times in our life. That's why we have to live our lives ahead of our attention.
Just one person bumped the big lever as he passed the coffee machine? It seems likely. Perhaps the department in question should install confirmation procedures - my word processiing software gave me the idea - it looks like this ..

Everyone's going digital these days! For obvious reasons.
Ya... there is just a big button that says missile warning?
I seriously doubt that.
I bet some version of your idea is already in place and they lied about how the warning went out.
Reports say that officials at the Pentagon thought it was implementation of Plan R from Stanley Kubrick's 1964 movie, Dr Strangelove.
It sure had a lot of people worried. Maybe it is a wake up call that we need to do whatever we can to address the vulnerability of ordinary people by advocating for global disarmament.
Its just fear mongering. The powers that be need to instil fear before they can start a new war
So many different possibilities. I think it's possible that this is one of the deep state factions trying to distract and use fear tactics and draw attention away in the news cycle, from what otherwise would be the beginning of "the storm."
The first sealed indictment opened on Friday: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-indicts-co-president-of-uranium-shipping-company-over-alleged-bribery-of-russian-official_2412890.html
Incredible how this is totally absent from m5m...or not.
Fear tactics. Always fear tactics!
Another possibility is that this was an operation to discredit Trump's administration. He is responsible for the first peace talks with North/South Koreas in at least 20 years. But this shouldn't be discussed, of course. Better to distract people from that in a most horrible way deep state can come up with.
My thoughts as it was happening this morning, when I heard that it 'was a drill'.
First, emergency broadcasts need to be approved before initiated, so if it was an error, someone's head is going to roll.
My other thought though, is what if someone was able to hack into the detection system and make it appear that there actually was a missile launched, which triggered the response...We certainly would not be told this.
The implications would mean that the one who hacked in could possibly remove actual incoming missiles from the detection system. Ponder that for a moment...
This is what's called a "false flag" except its double false lol.
False Flag < Falser Flag < Falsest Flag
We are on stage 2 of falseness.
The powers that shouldn't be want fear to gain momentum & take the minds of our brothers & sisters the rest of the way into their cages. Let's not fall for it & shine a light into "their" darkness so our fellow man can see through the manufactured fear based mind control.
I believe it's Psyop...But still we have to be vigilant always be ready for any threat.
that is one way to insert fear in the community and soften their aggression, honestly its rather evil genius -- more thoughtful then i could give any gov employee credit for, more likely just bad at their job - w/ political side effects.
COLD WAR 2.0 is the agenda me thinks....
To many people are waking up to all the deceptions. If the masses are terrified of being nuked by Kim then they won't have time nor the desire to wake up.
"DTube - Ballistic Missile Heading For Hawaii - Simple Mistake? Or Government Psyop? "
Thank you very much for sharing the news among us and we look forward to your new news
Relevant meme. ;)
"Just 76 years late"
still too soon to make a joke of that day.
Why is a state agency in control of sending out ballistic missile alerts? Doesn't make any sense. Sounding more and more like a deep-state ploy to me.
Nah it makes sense. Every state has an emergency manager on duty at all times with the authority to issue a warning to different regions or their entire state.
The POTUS is the only one that can issue a nationwide emergency, but the states can beep at whatever they deem a threat.
These are not jokes anymore but what has Hawaii done for God sake
Is not fair
Lets leave a happy life and forget troubles
Oh why we do this kind of work we should live peacefully in this world like a community
I guess how scared they will be, live is more important, no body will talk that easy . I like interesting post like yours, thanks.
Nice friend I love to be like you I am new here what I need for Now is your Votes on my photo
woah!.. that's a serious mistake
I live On Maui, I was selling Produce at the Farmers Market, and all of a sudden everyones phones went off and people started freaking out.... Then half the crowd realized that there is nothing we can do ..... so i was surprised about how many people including my self were like well fuck it.... if its time for us to die then ... its just that time.... half the crowd left and the other have just said FUCK IT! at least we die in Hawaii....
I live on Maui....THat Fucking BuTTON Should Be Locked in FUcking Steel Plated Metal Box Way the Fuck away From Every Regular Button.... THis Was a Fucking Physiological Mind Fuck Game! ( i leave to thailand tomorrow morning... im fucking done with this Country... Land of the Free my ass...)
If you put your phone down for at least 38 minutes , you could have saved lots of anxiety.

Undoubtedly, a psyop. Japan have just experienced the same thing. hat are the odds?
Government Psyop for sure. Like all the Trumps tweets on and on about the "Rocket Man" and the fear mongering MSM news... You're being played
This is all speculations. To say 'there are only three possibilities...' is also highly unprofessional for someone who claims to be 'free press'. Most often there are more versions and possibilities to the truth than some pseudo journalist is presenting. - however, I am not buying the " wrong button press " too. I mean, most Americans are dumb as fuck, yeah. But the people working in government agencies developing major national wide weapon and defense or alert systems are not that dumb, to design a critical system like that without enough safety locks and double or triple check features build in. No way. Systems like that are nothing new. Mistakes happened earlier. That's why it's unlikely'someone' can trigger it that easy. - so someone was about to pull something off. But who or why is yet unclear and just speculation.
Upvote for not driving while blogging like a self important douche canoe.