DTube - BREAKING: War With Iran Imminent As US Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Top General

in #dtube7 years ago

The war drums surrounding Iran are beating louder and faster than ever!

A massive public display of discontent has been going on in Iran for the last 5 days and it is showing no signs of slowing down. With all eyes on Iran, the US and Israel are "waiting for the right moment" to invade under the guise of a humanitarian mission.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down the latest info coming out of Iran that you won't hear from the mainstream media.

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Your theory is logical.
As soon as US interests in the region disappear, it will be necessary to eliminate this threat to Israel's security.
But I hope that the move will be internal to thwart any foreign Zionist plans.

I wonder if the hundreds of millions that go into these supposed enemy countries had anything to do with the 'protests'.

the Saudis are getting our money's worth with these "protests".

I put together a post here on that very subject. As always, Saudi Arabia gets a free pass while being the top promoter of global terrorism.


here is their video, its pretty hilarious, they imagine being greeted as liberators. Better them than us I suppose.

WOW ❗️That is funny as shit 🤣😂 What a bunch of retards ❗️The war should be quick . LOL

They had to CGI in the 'aid ship' as those don't exist in saud land!
Big breasted beautiful missiles tho!

protesters in Iran will win so soon. I am sure about this

Nice post! Thanks for breaking this news. I think there is no need for all these wars, let there be peace this 2018. I follow and upvote you

I'll put my two-cents towards that. As peace is always wishful thinking, it would seem that Iran will do anything to increase their wealth pool, even if it includes the facilitation of weapons dealing. I don't agree with the US going over there ever, but if Israel cries help, I can only hope it's heard by an ally closer in proximity to them than us.

Thanks for the video and great info. I clearly remember the sound of the drumbeats getting louder and louder for conflict in Iraq way back in . And we all know how that ended up. Thanks for keeping folks in the loop.

On a side note, you cited zerohedge.com in this video. I am not sure if that website is a typical resource, but I would strongly advise to consider the content being curated from that source. I was initially skeptical once I realized every article was being written by a certain "Tyler Durden" (obvious 'Fight Club' movie reference) but I also know that in journalism most authors of content want/ need to be recognized as individuals because it lends them more credit in the field.

But zerohedge doesn't do that.

So I did a bit more research and began analyzing the website's content for about the last six months. And I gotta tell ya bro, in a lot of ways that website has the underpinnings/ makings of a Russian agi- prop website. Maybe I am paranoid, maybe not, but a scratch under the surface of zerohedge reveals some interesting characters who are publishing information and material that may (or may not) be associated with Russian propaganda. Maybe it's just me being paranoid as it is becoming harder by the day to recognize what is real and what is not, but at the end of the day I am going to choose to believe Press For Truth is all about that; reporting the truth of what's going on. I guess I am just trying to see if others are recognizing this possibility at zerohedge as well because I am seeing multiple videos nowadays citing that source as information that is viable/ not tainted with an agenda.

Thanks for all you do and keep up the great work!

USA is turning Iran into a new Iraq - expect war. Great video @pressfortruth

we wanna change our regime in Iran. we will win in near future. Current regime can not calm down iranian protesters. #IranProtests

happy new year2018@pressfortruth

it's too good...
realy great post...

There won't be any war between Iran and the US. I am an Iranian and am well aware of both countries' policies. It is highly unlikely but if any confrontation ever happens, it'll be indirect through another country not the US itself.

Theres always some boogie man out to get us. Gaddafi, Hussein, Assad etc when will people wake up to this game that never changes yet we always fall for!

Guess I better get ready for the next wave of refugees.

Israel is already American military. All the problems in the world come from these 2 countries.

yeah Iran is not a leading state sponsor of terror!

Why wouldn't the US want to go to war with other countries when they spend 597 billion dollars annually on 'defense'- more like war. We spend more on defense than the next eight nations combined. Meanwhile, the country is failing, how healthcare system was mediocre before but now it is shit unless you are rich, education system failing miserably, and how veterans are ending up homeless and jobless because we teach them to fight for the country but not for themselves when they return.

USA always creating discord

for sure

telegram suspended a group after a user breached their user guidelines by sharing instructions on making molotov cocktail. several of the deaths were security forces. not exactly the story spread by western media, to quote Trump 'not good'.

more than 20 citizen died in Iran in this UPRISING
we wanna change our regime in near future

I don't think Donald Trump wants to invade anyone, the Saudis are the ones who want to roll in there and be greeted as liberators, they even have an awesome propaganda video.

like they need our permission

hallow friend how are you.... and happy new year

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Nice job well done

Beautiful post I like this And follow you for feature post and such news thanks Happy new year

happy new year 2018

to late

Woww good post,,,,

The only order is chaos.

Good job👍

Check the IRR (Iranian Rial) it has been in a downward spiral since 2012. Definitely not helping to stabilize the country at all.

Saw the YT video ... you are very very good and accurate with your analytical views .... big fan .... much respect

I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Scary!

This is a wonderful informative post.it has been a long time i spend time to know what is going on worldwide.As i go through your post i became inform on what is going on in isreal ,iran and us.am happy to have come across your post.happy new year

If i would make a video about it here I would be downvoted to "nsfw" and if I would do that on YouTube or should I say SafeSpaceTube, my video would be removed along with my channel for "hate speech"...

great work. thanks for this information but i think let be there peace in 2018 .

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telegram suspended a group after a user issued instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail. Not exactly as the western media reported 'Iran suspends internet'.

telegram suspended a group after a user breached their user guidelines by sharing instructions on making molotov cocktail. several of the deaths were security forces. not exactly the story spread by western media, to quote Trump 'not good'.

Do you know how many people died in Iran last year?

Do you know how much oppression there is in Iran?

Do you know how many gays have been murdered in Iran?

You wouldn't be able to get a body count since Iran doesn't release any information and is the biggest support of Terror in the world.

Thank you for the intell sir.

War with Iran is the last thing the world needs. The Syria war sent millions of refugees to Europe this will too. Give peace a chance

They wont attack, Iran owns atomic bombs that´s the only reason why this country is not invaded jet by the US forces. The Only option the US government has is destabilising this country from the inside and getting a more pro American leader to exploited this country.

Gee, maybe retired General Wesley Clark was right. Maybe people should do a little research and find out what a neocon is.

HYPOCRITES AND LIARS ❗️NO FREEDOM RIGHTS FOR PALESTINE , OR CATALONIA ⁉️ Another DEEP STATE PRODUCTION , and I’ll bet Hollywood satanic mother fuckers helped . Thanks for that report 👏👍

This whole world situation is certainly becoming more intense as we continue to see many alliances form. This is all perpetuating a script from many "prophecies" that we see playing out before our eyes. Look up the “Yalkut Shimoni” prophecy, it specifically talks about what is going on in the Middle East involving Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Other older texts corroborate that idea that it is seemingly inevitable with the way the world powers operate. Whether religious or not, it does show that something is going on that parallels these prophetic texts. We can hope it could turn around, but it has been spiralling out of control.

Dan, have you read William Engdahl's books about the oil industry? I suggest you read Century of War or Myths, Lies and Oil Wars. The latter reveals the Project for a New American Century's (PNAC) to control all the world's oil. Every war's objective is to control pipelines and oil.

Hi Dan I live in Iran, the right wingers started a protest 7 days ago but suddenly everything got out of their control and people came to streets everything started in Mashad city then other cities people joined the movement, people are living in poverty and they stealing our money situation is getting worse in here, each time we raise our voice they call us Israel or US spy, till this day they killed 21 people some of them students 12 to 16 year olds among the dead, there is also a movement by women in Iran you can search : my stealthy freedom, women fighting for their freedom and their right to choose, we had enough of them, things must be changed in here

USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are in this together. No coincidence Trump just gave Israel moving the capital and cutting aid to palestinians, while MBS of Saudi Arabia was visited by Trumps people right before "the purge" and then MBS visited Israel! How often do Saudi princes visit Israel openly?

USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are in this together. No coincidence Trump just gave Israel moving the capital and cutting aid to palestinians, while MBS of Saudi Arabia was visited by Trumps people right before "the purge" and then MBS visited Israel! How often do Saudi princes visit Israel openly?

USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are in this together. No coincidence Trump just gave Israel moving the capital and cutting aid to palestinians, while MBS of Saudi Arabia was visited by Trumps people right before "the purge" and then MBS visited Israel! How often do Saudi princes visit Israel openly?

When will people learn, supporting governments has never worked. The Iranian state, the Israeli state, they're all the same - looking for profit and a way to exploit the people of the world.

You need to list some more like USA, China, Russia and some more.