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RE: What's the purpose of life?

in #dtube6 years ago

I don't know why people keep thinking God God God. If the all perfect God create people for a purpose then he should protect them till the purpose is accomplished. Its doesn't make sense to say that peoples purpose is to destroy other people's purpose through terrorism and all that.

We are just another specie fighting for our own survival. We choose our own part and sometime its not entirely left to us but because of other decision that our parents take. If you parent is a boxer, he takes a lot of blows on his chin and that makes his chin strong.

When he gives birth to you and you have that strong chin too, you feel like your purpose is to be a boxer too. You are Christian just because your parents are Christians. Nothing like destiny and shit.

You fight, survive and leave a legacy. That's the purpose. Whatever way you choose to do that is up to you though not entirely like I said in the second paragraph.m

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Well I totally disagree with you... And I think there are just so many things you saying here that I can't really comprehend.

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