He said, “I came out here just because you guys are out here!”
Can you guess who this person is?
-He is a long time Steemian
-From California
-Has the steemit logo on his head!
In this video you’re going to see us having a great time in The Big Apple together with @spenceryan! From eating dinner, drinking wine and buying an xbox (on him). Watch the @dtube video to find out who this person is and why he bought us a gaming console.
Restaurant Info.
▶️ DTube
This was a blastttt!
100% A Ton of fun!
he follow and upvote I follow and upvote back
Turn on the wheel of fortune. And always hope for luck that the person is not crazy. Just kidding looks intresting and nice editing.
Haha yeah but we have spoken to him before so no surprise that he was nothing short of awesome.
And thank you! This video took me quite a bit to edit lol
That is so awesome!! I can't wait to meet you guys in person as well and that day will come. Dtubedaily community is growing and one day we will all meet each other!
I gotta say that the community on this platform is nothing like on youtube, facebook, twitter, instagram or any other social network out there. This what a TRUE community feels like.
Thank you for sharing this experience with us Paola!
Winny out...for now ;)
PS: Congrats on your xbox ;) What is your first game going to be?
Hey Winny! Thanks for watching :)
Can't wait to meet you too!! Honestly I agree that this community is pretttyyy awesome haha.
I think its going to be GTA haha
Omg, GTA is the BOMB!! I haven't played that in such a looooooooooong time!!! Have fun killing people :D
Winny out...for now ;)
Hey @paolajane! It is always good to see how other communities around the world are rolling. Me and @minigunner are hoping to have our first meet up here in The Netherlands as soon as possible too. Working hard towards it. and indeed @steemit community is like nothing else. It gives you a sort of freedom in unknown way. Keep up the good work!
You guys are so much fun
You already know girl, cant wait to make our next videoo!!
I had a great time, can't wait to do it again!
Haha me too!!
What a cool guy :D
Too cool!
eheheh it was fun to see the VLog from different sides... Yours and @spenceryan eheheh :P Glad You guys had fun and I hope You are feeling better :D
Haha how cool, you checked out the both of us! I am feeling better, thank youuu :)))
of course. You guys are super entertaining :D Love You both!
Lol, I actually watched both of your videos. Great to see you meet with other Steemians!
YAY! Thank you :) Cant wait to meet some more steemians!
I know I just said this to you via text but, seriously! Who would’ve thought that a year ago this would be your life!? Congratulations on this new opportunity to make gaming videos and being part of a new community, I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store for you and can’t wait to see what you create this year!
I know! Its so crazy to think how things can change so suddenly. I love you!!
P.S. EVERY train ride feels like the longest train ride of my life lol
LOL this is the truuuth
You will be an absolutely great person to meet physically
Lol eh im pretty alright
Hi Paolajane Mom! Fun video of you guys. Looks like you all had a blast!
AW ill tell her you said hi! We did have alot of fun, on and off camera!
Oh man no fair! :( I cant meet up with anybody because im always on the other side of the freaking world!! lol
Thats a blessing haha, keep traveling! Let us know when you're anywhere near this side of the world lol
happy today for you!
meet up sounds amazing need to do one! paolajane
With love
harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist
Yooo this day looked so fun, and you got to meet the President himself! Literally dying right now because all is a burger form that joint! Love all three of you -spiderblogger!
You will make DTube a hit!
steemit for the win!!!
Mhh... the food looked absolutely delicious! Now I miss New York City :( Been there two years ago. Some day I will travel there again!
Cool vid. I wish getting on New York subways were as graceful as you made it look.