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RE: Vlog #85: I have not snored for 2 months! I sleep so much better! Final review of my MRA bracket.

in #dtube7 years ago

That's awesome you're getting such good sleep now. I remember when you went to the Dr and and had it made. I wonder if she ever checked out Steemit?

Getting a good night's sleep is so important and maybe this is something I should look into. I'm a pretty bad snorer also and wake up constantly throughout the night. I always feel tired. My minds made up. Going to call tomorrow and make an appointment with my Dr and get the process started.

Thanks a lot man for giving an update on your progress and I'm really happy for ya that it's worked so well. Who cares what it looks like if it does the trick. :) I'm sure Bianca loves being able to get a good night's sleep as well, something why wife would greatly appreciate also.

Thanks again man and have a great night!