Love that last question. One possible answer is not something thought of as industry; it's government. It would be possible to trade across international lines without tariffs, also making it tougher to enforce trade sanctions against other countries with things like software, music, movies or e-books that do not have to be shipped in a box. Look forward to the next video!
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Oh, man! What a great question suggestion @onnovocks! Thanks for the feedback!
Well, the question was in the video and is food for thought. We have these new currencies, but rather than concentrating on what it is, we should be looking at how we can use it. Greetings!
Yeah... government. We can think of it as an industry if you like... I don't think that's far off the mark. ;) Government as we know it is definitely slated for disruption.
Like us, government will have to adapt to the changes, like it or not. As some have suggested, it may be a good idea to tax automation rather than labor.