I recently ran into the FIRE concept and it has really gotten my interest. While I am no where near in achieving it, it has allowed me to become more conscious about my spending habits and savings as well. We have been driven to realy be consumers in this society and while good for some aspects, it also has had its side effects. Enjoy Austin!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks @newageinv! Crazy to think I fly out in only a few days!
Yeah I love the idea of FIRE. I found it a few years ago and it totally resonates with me. I too am nowhere near it yet...but it has helped shift both my spending habits and the way I approach making money. Although I'm still in the corporate 9-5 grind, it's helped encourage me to start building things on the side that will not only increase my income now - but give me more flexibility for earning in the future.
Maybe i'm just a bit of a personal finance nerd... but i think stuff like this is fun to think about. LOL