
I'd imagine there is some code preventing the embedding on purpose, so you have to visit d-tube directly, rather than view through an iframe, thereby incrseasing site traffic stats and could also have implications/difficulties paying users via iframes and all their cross domain security issues

It seems to be such a simple feature that would make both sites so much more usable.

I understand the projects in beta. Shout out to all the hard working devs!

Hmm, ok, my apologies, looking at the source code, it seems to only currently support embedding YouTube and Vimeo. It's open source, so i guess someone could fork the source and add more supported platforms, then submit the changes..


Line 140-170

Kinda strange to specify vimeo in the else statement, if they hadn't it would arguably embed anything you like, be that vimeo, d- tube or whatever?? As it just creates an iframe..

#confused :/

I took the liberty of making the code change to allow for D-Tube embedding, I have submitted the changes for approval, if all goes to plan, you should be able to embed D-Tube videos shortly...