
I hope not, then again my father told me to crap in one hand and hope in the other and see which fills up first :)

That is what a lot of people in these programs are doing is wishing and hoping for miracles that may not bare fruit.

Don't worry, it will come back soon rebranded and refreshed so people can have another opportunity to lose their money. This is the definition for insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result.

That is indeed the true definition of insanity. Unfortunately, we must have a lot of insane people in the crypto space as the saga continues.

Really? I mean these guys were actually rated low risk. They have promised to return our money yes?

it's Just a Random Server Down issue it'll Come Back Again I Hope @mrwalt
What you Think?

Unfortunately it is gone for good.

Gone for Good will you kindly explain this buddy ??
as i don't get your answer

muy buen post @leoledda48

Thank you for your feedback.

I must admit that this "investment opportunity" was very tempting to me at first. After all, the barrier to entry was very low at only a $10 initial deposit. But, common sense should tell most people that lifetime deposit sounds scammy and sketchy at best.

Yeah a lot of people only want to believe want they want to know as the truth, even if that truth may be wrong. I used to be the same way with these programs so I'm only speaking from experience.


Yeah a lot of people will lose a lot of money if this thing doesn't come back which it appears that it will not.

i like it thank you to share with us

It helps that you are adding a mini vid of you in the screenshare so we can see your expressions when you talk about things :D

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Of course it.