
I've literally left the US just to get my prescription medications and come back.

I have heard of many people having to go out of states due to the cost being too expensive. This is not a good thing for Americans having to leave the country.

Im a little worried I wont able to jump the wall to get out.

This is a process that you have to prepare for over time. If you are trying to make this move you have to set a game plan way ahead of time and then set a date with the intent to execute.

Thanks for sharing this video series on dtube.

Thank you for your feedback.

YOu can say that again, im paying $429 each month for my health ins, with a $5000 dedutable, not to mention they charge for office doctor visit $40 and i have to pay for $10 pill. Shit add up. Basically i have ins but cant use it, or only can use if major thing happen.

By the time that the average person has paid their bills, debts, taxes and insurance costs, there's barely any money left over to buy food, let alone save. Life in America is not as easy as it is portrayed on TV. True, the standard of living here in the U.S. is high compared to other nations but so is the cost of living. If I were in a position to leave the U.S. and live abroad for a few years, I would. Good luck to you in your goals and pursuits, mrwalt.

Thanks for sharing this video

We don't realise but it all does add up. A bit here and bit there goes unnoticed so it is important that you pay close attention to your own personal finance. I believe the US will only get more expensive as the dollar is being dumped. Look likes it is is going Zimbabwe with a soaring stock market and falling currency. The dollar may go a long way now but what happens later when it is no longer wanted?

This is a great dtube series on the cost of Insurance.

i wish many people that are planning to migrate to the USA will learn from what is happening

I like the concept. I understand it. Do you think that this type of concept would fit into a family style living? I can see it as an individual. I can see it as a couple with no kids. But when we start to get to the whole family concept...

@mrwalt I have friends from State and Canada who went to Thailand for their surgeries. They said to have high standard and way cheaper than of the 2 countries.