haha piss in the air! i like that you mentioned that the french do have a sense of humor :)
i never have driven under a waterfall, but i always count them as some of the most magical places i've been! you both look bright and happy! the negative ions around waterfalls are soo uplifting... i was inspired to do a little research, lol! here's a few stats about them from here...
Normal fresh air has about 2-3000 negative ions per cubic centimetre (the size of a sugar cube) but around a waterfall or by the ocean the count can be in the tens of thousands!
But in a waterfall, the collision of the water molecules (which comprise oxygen and hydrogen atoms) strips electrons from the oxygen in the water allowing them to accumulate in the oxygen atoms in the surrounding air. This creates electrically charged particles called ions, some positively charged – those oxygen atoms in the water with fewer electrons than normal – others with a negative charge – those oxygen atoms in the air with more electrons than normal. The same thing happens in the surf, during a thunderstorm and even in your shower – the water becomes positively charged as the surrounding air acquires a negative charge.
So cool! Let's get those negative ions :)
We actually visited More waterfalls and a
Lake surrounded by volcanic hills with waterfalls today, more on that from myself or @osm0sis soon!
Thanks for the positive energy!
yes just recently found you both, so now following on steemit and excited about your new adventure on the island. i love travel... gah more waterfalls and lakes with volcanic hills! :) <3
That's what I like to hear! 😁