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RE: Oxford University is SEXIST?! #InternationalWomensDay

in #dtube7 years ago

In all this, did any ever ask the actual cleaner if they gave a shit? Did they assume that because of their gender they then hold this crude graffiti in such high symbolic regard that erasure had some form of impact on them?

That's unless the cleaner was actually one of their lecturers and they made her clean it because that theres is womens work cooking and cleaning ya know? Which I doubt.

And what if a man were to clean it off? "Typical men, trying to erase the impact of women in society WELL WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED BLAST OUT THE HELEN REDDY AND GET READY TO GET THIS MAN FIRED FOR SEXISM"


No matter what, people will never be happy when it comes to this situation. Maybe the best way would be to slap some sense into the person who thought it was a good idea to write the stupid stuff in the first place - but Internet Feminists would just get angry at that too. Guess it's sort of at the point where you have to admit a loss.

There's no educating the willfully stupid - Trying is just a waste of time.