
Wow, finally seeing a video from you is really cool. and seeing that clip from your amazing football goal was even cooler. I think videos like these really suit you. And the music was very supportive. I always think about putting music in my videos but I never really did it so far.

Thank you, my friend :)
Yes, finally I​ did it. I watched the video with and without music and then it was clear to use that with music.
You should try it out. And btw I meant you in this video ;

nice video hahaha great goal to .and Welkom to

good topic @modernpastor. i like football. thanks for sharing video. i like your post and following.

Thank you dear :)

you re very welcome doin nice DTUBE stuff... im waiting for more stuff :D

Nutz die Chance um Dtube auch beidsprachig zu füllen...

Echt, würdest du dir das wünschen?^^

Naja ich komme mit beidem klar... Ich denke aber das es Diene Base noch ein wenig erweitern würde da es auch einen Teil der #Deutsch Community gibt die es eben nicht kann...

;) wobei ich muss still sein ich mach auch alles in Englisch :D

so nice view!!

Thanks my friend :)

Nice one there. Now I know your real name @modernpastor. I'm your follower

that is nice video, thanks...

Thank you, ​my friend :)

Good to see you on Dtube! Now I'm looking forward to your content a little more.
I feel like you can connect with your audience more than you can with just writing through a blog.
But, you have a good reason as to why you wouldn't want to include video in your private life.
Try to go a good mix of both! Again, looking forward & welcome.

Thanks, ​dear :)
Audiovisual content has the most emotional influence.
I think I will try use it now more often :)

When you said that you are getting older I felt kind of funny because I'm a year older than you :)
I applaud your courage to put yourself out there, awesome stuff man!

sorry I didn't​ express myself in the right way.
I meant in in football years :)

Thank you my friend for your praise ^^

Still, I'm not excited that 30 is approaching fast :)

Yeeeah mega geil Bro!!
Finds richtig nice, dass du jetzt dein erstes Dtube Video gepostet hat.
Cool, dich auch auf diese Weise kennen zu lernen.
Hoffe da kommt dann demnächst mehr.
Auch sehr lustig die Story hinter deinem Namen zu erfahren, das mit Ray wusste ich garnicht hahaha

Als Tipp: Ich empfand die Musik ein als ein kleines bisschen zu laut.
Hat mich etwas abgelenkt.
Weiß nicht ob die anderen das auch so empfinden, aber ich würde empfehlen, die Musik ein wenig runter zu drehen, um den Fokus mehr auf den Inhalt lenken.
Ansonsten bekommste natürlich ein volles Upvote und wirst auch gerne von mir resteemed.
Bis bald, buddy :)

Hey mein Freund :)
Danke für deine lieben Worte und den Tipp.
Den werde ich beim nächsten Mal auf jeden Fall beherzigen^^

I think the dtube fits you, cause of your personality..
But I think the editing part would take your time more than writing, lemme don't conclude yet....

Oh yes, editing will take some time.
Thanks my friend for your encouraging words :)

Cool video! Welcome to Dtube! I just got here as well and I have zero friends yet lol but that’s ok. Hope you enjoy it!

This will change with the time my friend, definitely^^

haha good luck bro.. nice bro

I congratulate you on a small event for you, the first video. Now I'm a little more aware of the lifeblood. It was nice to hear your real voice and I'd like to say what you thought up to impose on the background of music, this makes the video harmonious.
Despite the fact that it is the first, done qualitatively and causes positive emotions.
Thank you, success and prosperity to you :)

Thank you, my friend :) Like always an encouraging comment from you.
I will try to get better.

The first video and you left me a nice impression of yourself as a person.
Well thought out to put music on the background of the video.
I wish that despite some of the problems you often get to please your video followers and good content.

Thank you very much :) I will try to make more video content in the future :)

Just stick with it homeboy! Looks like you're doing well! Love this post, keep it up!

Thanks for your kind words :)

Such a genuine personality! Can't wait to check out more of your content :)

Thanks for this kind words. They are encouraging :)

do you get paid by the thumbs up thing ?

Sorry, I didn't understand. What exactly do you mean? If I get paid for my thumbnails?

Really great intro vlog man!

Liked the backing music and the flashy modernpastor intro and outro text - nice!

Thanks my friend :)

super sache Ray ;)
Irgendwie zuckt Dtube mal grade wieder rum aber ich schaff es bestimmt noch mir das Video ganz anzuschauen ;)

Hey Jan, ich danke dir :)

It's cool that you discovered dtube. Ofcourse as a public figure you have to be careful.

Exactly :) But I think this community is different :)

Haha - sehr geil!

Direkt auf dem zweiten Platz der Hot Videos :)

Hab gar nicht viel zu sagen außer - Respekt dass du ein Video gedreht hast! Beim nächsten mal die Musik ein bisschen leiser, aber ansonsten super!

Ich danke dir mein Freund :)

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Nice video man! I subbed! Looking forward to seeing your posts!

Thank you my friend :)

modernpastor!! Thank you, your Post.

I have to subsrcibe to dtube to see your video!! Aww. Now I wont know your real name unless I do...

Unless you do? :)

Happy to see you in DTube @modernpastor! You have a very supportive friend @flauwy whom I also follow both here on Dtube and Steemit. You can do both, just do whatever your heart desires we will still follow you. :)

Thank you for these lovely words. I appreciate that :)

That is a cool interesting story about Your name. Welcome here to Dtube. You might not upload very regularly but now at least You need to leave Youtube more on the side and start watching Dtube videos more eheheh :P

ich finde du passt vor die Kamera :) solltest dir aber noch genauere Gedanken dazu machen was du den Leuten mitteilen willst... durch deinen bekanntheitsgrad auch im echten Leben hast du ein riesen Potential den leute eine Message rüber zu bringen, das sollte gut durchdacht sein... aber das weisst du sicher :D

Mach weiter so :) gib nicht zuviel über dich preis und such dir weiter spannende themen wie bisher !

Dude, you have a natural flow in front of the camera. The light is perfect too. Well done, your first DTube video is a massive hit. You have a new subscriber. ✌🏿

What a way to keep it real, this is a great introduction and I enjoyed getting to know another user. You definitely have a place on Dtube, it's all about the genuine people in my opinion, you can have a busy life and one in front of cameras, but at the end of the day, coming here and being the real you where you can voice your opinions and share your experiences helps people relate to you.

wow what a nice did an excellent not sure that I will do a video but after seeing you, I might consider one day..good job

Super. Deutschland braucht ja sehr viel Bereicherung.

I think you should vlog about things you are passionate about, but I'm certain there are many out there that will want you talk about football. There are many valid reasons why people wouldn't turn the camera on themselves and I have my own reasons. All of my videos are about others and for now I will keep it that way. This was a very nice introduction for your first vlog. Greetings!

Thank you for your first video! Good job. If the rest of your video go like this one, I think you will do just fine. Very inspiring brother :) I can't wait to post my first video now. Love to you and yours <3

Congratulations bro
All the best
Make good videos

Thanks my friend. I will try my best.