Surviving The Youtube Purge, Facebook And My Twitter Ban The Other Day Where They Stole All My Followers

in #dtube5 years ago


--- AGE OF DECEIT - Fallen Angels and the NWO - Part 1

--- AGE OF DECEIT - Fallen Angels and the NWO - Part 2

--- AGE OF DECEIT - Fallen Angels and the NWO - Part 3

#Youtube #Facebook #Twitter and
Their #Communist #Censorship
#SusanWojcicki #JackDoresy
And also #MarkZuckerberg

YouTube Twitter ... Why are you such orwellian praggs?
Nazi Much? You communists keep doing it ... I'll keep
Exposing it all ... With successful rackets like their
#GrandLarceny and mass #Embezzlement stealing
Millions in ad Revenue from all the truthers total
Much less all the view counts and sub counts
They alter ... #StayClassy #Criminals

#WeDoNotConsent #YoutubePurge #YouTubesLarceny
#Demonotized #WarOnTruth #WarOnChristians #WakeUp

Oh יהושע Jesus Save us From people like #SusanWojcicki
#MarkZuckerberg #Jackdoresy and all this #Orwellian madness

Well I pray Yahshua יהושע Jesus the Son and Yahuah
YAH יהוה God the Father in Heaven Save Us From Them


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