I know my opinion is unpopular because who doesn't like 'free money'...yet is it free? Our very last strands of freedom may be at stake. If we give someone the power to feed us, we give them the power to starve us.
I present a few solutions in my video, and I'd like to hear more possible solutions from you!
▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFS
I say we all stop working full stop. Crash the entire economy for our oppressors. Everyone needs to stop living in fear. Full stop. Without slaves there can be no slave owners. There is nothing they can do to us if we all just stay home and stop buying into this shit. They need us way more than we need them. Has anyone done a head count on all the people world wide that would be prepared to do this yet? I think not. But they are using social media platforms to spy on us and they know if only the few of us banded together in solidarity to do this. It is more than enough To make a statement and watch all the sleepers that see this plan in action that stop as well. EVERYONE HATES THE WAY WE LIVE FOR ONE REASON OR ANOTHER. If you offer them all a safe solution without violence or protests or having to take any other form of action other than to stay home and do nothing. They will follow suit and join in. That's how the people take the power back. Then we can have a resource based economy. It's the people who have the brains and man power. We already do everything run everything and the powers to be do no more than steal everything and live of the brains and and bodies of the people. FUCKING PARASITES and that's all they are, nothing more. These so called rulers are so far out of touch with a true reality it's beyond a joke. The real joke is on us the people who merely think there is no other way but the one we've been hand fed. Which is TOTAL BULLSHIT. It would be a good start to show them they work for us. We have half of society working way to hard and treated unfairly and the other half without work at all going crazy without a means to put food on the table and roof over head. Working in with the community is part of being a community. When you take that away from people excluding them as the current capitalist system does, well how can you expect better of them. It creates criminals. They are not happy nor are their victims. The only answer to this is not to create a police force full of thugs who are never there to save the victims in advance, they are only here to write up a report for insurance companies. They save no one. I could go on all day about the problems I see in the world with this shit and how to create change but ultimately it falls in the hands of the people to lose the fear and take a stand or cling to the BULLSHIT system as I continue to see all around me everyday. Makes me sick to see just how weak the people have become.
Omg .... so well said Tony!
Thanks ss I wasn't able to watch your video yet. But I know you be on point and I'll get to that . Just dropping in to see how ya doin and thought I'd drop a rant. Keep rocking it 👍
Anytime I see you here, is the best day of my life!! Thank you so much for coming by Tony!
Don't worry! Soon as I'm sorted out on a few fronts. This place sure is ignighting my enthusiasm. I'll be all over it like white on rice.
That's the best news I've heard all day!
Well well look what we got us here..... We got us one of them dam bigmouth antiestablishment type critters now their growing in numbers......guess who finally just got access to the right equipment to get inside and play on his favourite site steemit. 👀look out im in now. No more naughty corner for me. WooT-WooT their here.
hahaha. You beet me to it! Well done.
Lettuce turnip the beet!
By all means, please elaborate on the few points I made. I'd love to see/read the White Walking Feather version of this rant!
I've spoken against this program ever since the idea was first floating out there. The premise behind it being sold to the public is that the government would provide money to bring everyone up to a minimum income level. It would simplify many programs and perhaps even save a lot of money. It may also help ensure that people don't fall through the cracks.
What they don't talk about is where this money comes from. As the state continues to decrease taxes from the rich, the burden moves to the middle class. There is a war on and the goal is to whip out the middle class to make two classes, rich and dependent.
I have many friends who feel guilty for working in the oil field, pipelines, etc. I told them that they are working for the beast. If they take that money and put it towards self-sufficiency, independence, food sovereignty, energy sovereignty, etc, then what they are doing is siphoning energy from the beast. In short, beating up the beast with its tail.
However, if they take that money and buy the big trucks, big homes, toys, etc, then they are feeding the beast and remaining dependent upon it.
I'm not going to petition the government to dismantle the guaranteed income program. What I'm going to do is petition the individuals who are benefiting from these programs and confront them on what they are doing with that money.
Are they going to continue being dependent children or are they going to take the opportunity to become independent adults? That is the choice we are all facing right now. The risk is, as Lyndsay has pointed out, if people choose to be dependent, then their lives are literally in the hands of the state.
How well does the state govern people, especially during a crises? Just look at what is going on in the US with the hurricanes, fires, floods, etc. They are not there to help people but to govern the crises and maintain order. Even here in Canada, police go door to door under the guise of looking for people, but in fact they use the opportunity to break into peoples homes and steal the guns!
The state is in big trouble. Building even more dependency on the state is dangerous and lives are at risk. It is time to use ween ourselves from these slave traps and find independence. If people need help to do it, then do what you must. But in the end, if anything happens the individual is always 100% responsible and accountable for their own life. If they lack the skills, tools and resources to provide for him / her self, then there is nobody to blame by the individual we see in the mirror each morning.
Absolutely, fuck it babe.
Social programs have always been part of the control mechanism and a way of vote buying for the criminal scum in government.
I don't want a single penny from these political whores. UBI is a piss poor idea just like all social programs, where is the money going to come from?
Tax payers?
The printing press?
Either way it'll end up in a giant fucking mess just like everything governments tend to do.
If hyperinflating the $, £, €, ¥ etc is the plan then they couldn't have picked a better way to do it. You'll never get rich on a government handout, you'll just about survive to vote for the moron offering you the most at the next election.
It's a farce!
I'm glad you can see the long term effects of this 'generosity'...thank you my Tremendos friend for not buying in!
It's only generosity if you give away your own money!
If these politicians want to empty out their own bank accounts and hand it out to those in need I have no problem.
But they want extreme communism, where they sit atop a power structure with their corporate masters watching the masses grovel for the latest pittance.
I'll never buy into that babe.
You're a legend Lyndsay. 😉
Whatever little good the so called "government" might do is always first funded through the immoral theft known as taxation. Government is the root of the problem, never the solution. Great video Lyndsay.
Beautifully said. Short, sweet and to the point.
F-ing the system always gets my full up vote and resteem!
Every last bit of "good" the elites have done or have planned is a trojan horse concealing more misery.
Aw...thanks @overkillcoin! Steem will help a million times more people than any handouts from the so-called 'gov' will.
Maybe instead of universal income, there should be "we'll stop bleeding you dry through tax-theft so you can power up like a boss"
Now THAT would be worth something!
So true! People may not want to hear it, but government does not care about you or I. Only money. We are dollar signs to them. I see blockchain technology and crypto as a way to lift people up, give them power over their life and money. It's an exciting, but scary time to be alive!
Blockchain and crypto are one of the biggest sources of my hope for humanity lately...it's giving power back to the people.
"More power to feed us gives them more power to starve us." EXACTLY.
True of health care and building roads and everything else. The roads are a great example - suggest ending theft by taxation and people will whine "But who will build the roads" as if the ONLY way to build a road is with a government contract...
Ooh how refreshing to read this comment! You absolutely GOT IT @fishculture and I'm so happy to know you! People do all the work. People will still want to heal each other, and fix broken things without the so-called 'government'.
Great post @lyndsaybowes and yes double fuck basic income! A stepping stone towards a feudal system (us and them) a fuedal system that within a generation will drain intellect, independence and self sustenance. Relegating vast swathes of the public to little more than children waiting in line to be fed "please sir can I have some more". It will also be a gateway to a government backed digital currency/card system, I mean do people think this will be paid straight into their bank accounts? Acually I'll throw another fuck into the mix .. triple fuck basic income! Great post @lyndsaybowes just keep doing exactly what you're doing :D
I LOVE you my Perceptual Friend!!!! :) :) :) :) :) Triple fucks all around!! WOOHOO!!
The truth about this is government do not really care about us, the earlier you know this the better for you as an individual. For the part of the world I found myself I've learn really not to depend on the so-called government cause what they represent on the outside is false. I found myself in a situation recently which was the cause of non-challant attitude of this so-called government here. The incident paralysed academics activities for more than 8month but yet I found myself doing something else to get myself ready for the future. What they represent really is hurting us not serving us. We should stand and help each which I think is the best.
I am so glad things worked out for the best for you, you are definitely a strong man who has good morals.
Thank you @lyndsaybowes
I can't stand the short sighted stance of someone who supports this. They wish to sacrifice our freedoms for "free" money when we've learned time and again that nothing is ever free, especially from a government.
Say no to this communism folks100% @lyndsaybowes
Ahhhhh how did I know you would share the same values as me on this issue. :) Thank you @lk666, you are such a refreshing Man to be around!
Yeah, I live mostly off the grid. I have solar electric and well water from a shared well I had to buy into with a lifetime membership. It is a process to divorce oneself from the system. Most people I speak to about it are so brainwashed that they are scared without all the comforts they have now living in civilization with all their bills, slave wage jobs, etc. that they act like you have to do it all at once. I did have a leg up having money with investments etc. but it is expensive and should be walked into carefully even if you have all the money you need right off the bat. You have to learn skills you may never have before used like carpentry, electrical, plumbing, gardening etc. Things will be different but it is worth it when you realize at the end you won't have to sacrifice time away at a soul sucking job and that you are starving the government of tax revenue.
I moved from Mississippi to Northern New Mexico because of the abundant sun, however I'm now surrounded by libtards so it's a really weird situation to see off gridders with communistic ideals. It's also telling that most of them are from places like California, but the ones from back east like me are more often than not libertarians, ancaps, or something like that. I keep telling my "progressive" friends that if they really want change they need to elliminate their tax footprint yet they don't want to hear that. They want upper and middle class taxed into oblivion while the government gives them money to barely exist. It's a sort of Stockholm Syndrome in my estimation.
Anyway, rant over.
Peace Lyndsay
You're so right, it's all about the baby steps, we're still making ours, yet every day we get closer and closer!! <3 <3 Epic rant LK!! I love you BRO!!! Keep shining!!!
Basic income from the government?
Who said anything about that?
Is that the only option?
Not according to taskmaster.....
The answer is coming...and soon.
I look forward to seeing your piece on the subject.
I am too....been waiting for three months...this is a game changer.
STEEM will make use rich....this other thing will end poverty.
but just to check if we can take some of the ideas of basic income and build that around a blockchain and the funds come from the crypto community that would work better right because in some ways i like the idea of basic incomes and living wages if we can activate a dormant subset of skilled workers in society who got left behind because their respective gov's fucked them on the ability to retrain and get access to education to do that.
having worked in local gov for five years of my life at one point i know the level of disorganized, backhanded, poorly managed books they run. we need a generation of out of date grey suited men to kick the bucket and let in a more progressive women and men split with fresh ideas and have all of that policy trackable on a blockchain for us all to access.
If it were decentralized it would be a beautiful thing indeed <3 I believe we can achieve this, and truly help each other.
I never go for Government Works ( Slavery ) I just believe in free jobs, the one related to you and yourself, no boss, you are your boss ...
Thank you Lyndsay!! you are one of the best independence!
we keep steem on ... :))
Hugs for you my friend! We will STEEM on!!
Basic income, aka universal income, would never be implemented because too many would invest every unspent dime into crypto...and grow beyond the basics.
Venezuela, one of the richest countries in the world, is an example why the socialist agenda is a poor idea.
Peace @spiritualmatters <3 xo
You are absolutely right! They never learn. Even a child knows the age-old proverb:
A government that has the power to give you everything, also has the power to take everything from you.
There was another thing that sounded like a noble idea, Comunism.
Screw that, self sufficiency is the only way to avoid that people like us don't get caught in that downward spiral, turning into obsolete welfare fed slaves.
Thank you for being one of the few, who is willing to do the hard work it will take, to emancipate yourself from slavery.
All government wants is to see us in debt, all over lives! F the system, it is time to claim our power.
wow I have been saying this for years
The gov is there to tax us and tell us what we can't do. All it is really good for is making scumbags richer. I like some of the quaker philosophy, a companies profit doesn't go to the owner but is spread amongst the community because they recognised it was the the community that brought the profit in the first place.
I'd love to see just One Day, One, where the workers of the world go on strike. Nothing would work. Nothing would function. It would sure open a lot of eyes...so many forget that we are what keeps this show going. Not the CEOs...not the so-called 'gov'. Us.
I like to post this one a bit...
Yeah!! Fuck the system
Universal income is a way to get you on board to socialism. NOTHING is FREE! You give up your freedom to be controlled through money.
Basic income means negative tax and it only makes sense if massive wealth inequality is addressed as well. Otherwise, it would fall prey to inflation. Wealth distribution is essential in any system with unfair outcomes and the neoliberal bullshit we are trapped in provides opportunity to only the wealthiest class, and a few lucky professionals. It is maximally unfair and therefore we need many fixes, basic income being only one of those fixes.
Yes, UBI is essentially a fully refundable tax credit. For someone paying more in taxes than the amount of UBI, the UBI lowers their tax burden. So if the UBI is $12,000 and someone owes $14,000 in taxes, then their taxes effectively go down $12,000 and they owe $2,000 instead of $14,000.
Of course, there will be those who taxes are increased beyond the size of the UBI in order to make the UBI possible, but they are mostly in the top 10% and their taxes will increase by around 10%. Those are the same people who are the only one benefiting from productivity increases for decades now, while the bottom 80% have received a smaller and smaller share of GDP decade after decade.
UBI is a mechanism for distributing productivity increases in a world where wages and salaries are no longer doing that thanks to increasing automation and falling collective bargaining power.
As for inflation concerns, yes, UBI is a tax and transfer policy, not a monetary expansion policy. There are some who would prefer monetary expansion to pay for it without tax increases, including billionaires like Bill Gross, but those voices are in the minority. The overwhelming majority of UBI proponents, myself included, believe it makes sense to raise taxes at the top, because they are the ones who own the machines who are replacing people in labor markets.
The way I would raise taxes however is not on income, but via other methods like consumption taxes, carbon taxes, land value taxes, and financial transaction taxes. I also like the idea of applying the Alaska Model to fund UBI with fees and royalties before the fact instead of taxation after the fact.
I also agree that UBI does not solve every problem, but I firmly believe (based on a continually growing amount of empirical evidence) that it's the precondition for solving a great many otherwise unsolvable problems, especially technological unemployment - which is very very real.
While I agree that we shouldn't be dependant on the system I wouldn't refuse to take what is available to me from them and put it towards my own support system and self sufficiency. We've paid enough to our governments to not feel guilty accepting some back when it's given. If, like you say, they put unreasonable provisos on it, then just be sure to be in a position where you can say 'no, I'll go without'. I see no reason to refuse money that will help get me to the position where I can say no to it if I need to though.
For example, we get family tax benefits. I don't claim them until the end of the year to make sure that I'm not reliant on them. When it comes we use it to invest in things that will save us in the long run. This year they turned the tables on us and cut the earning threshold for part of it meaning we only got half of what we used to get. This would have put a lot of families who get it throughout the year in debt to them. For us it was just disappointing.
I understand the point you are making, and I'm sure many would agree with you, that if it is used for good then it will be okay. As @chieppa1 pointed out in his comment, it will end up driving up the prices of everything.
This image came to mind, thinking about if we 'use it for good'. Nothing good ever comes from granting more power to the so-called 'government'.
If they actually cared, they would lower prices, lower taxes, hell if they cared about folks' prosperity, they would start freeing up the Land, giving land away, so that we could live on it and provide for ourselves again, become truly self sufficient and community oriented again.
It seems to me that taking money from the government is hardly granting power, whereas paying into the government is and, of course, being dependant on them. Their preference is for you to be paying taxes and not claiming anything, which is why they don't exactly make it an easy process for you to claim anything back. My husband was recently made redundant along with 1000s of others and the 'financial advice' the government man gave them was on trying to make their redundancy last as long as possible so that they wouldn't have to claim jobseekers for as long as possible, even once they were eligible.
Some have suggested that enough money taken from the system could break the system. At the moment, the governments are cutting benefits in every way possible and going all out to claw in more money in taxes in every way possible, including trying to find any citizens overseas who they might be able to get more from. The US government has the UK banks sending out declarations to any of their own citizens overseas even. Having experienced how desperately they are upping the stakes to try and get more money coming in, I'm inclined to think that as the economy is collapsing and they are paying more out in benefits this government system could also be collapsing.
Of course I'm talking about the current system as it is in place now. However, as you were saying, basic income for all could very well be a government control dream. I believe there was already talk about chipping for the Medicare system, so I wouldn't put it past them to chip for a system like this. So I agree that we should never put ourselves in a situation where we come to rely on them. I'm under no illusions they care about anything other than themselves and their own comforts.
As I'm writing this I'm realising that many of us have the same goals, but we are all taking slightly different paths to them. I admire what you're doing, it's certainly not an easy path you've chosen and I expect you have and will make a lot of sacrifices. Many don't want to make sacrifices and I fear that they are the majority and will play directly into the government's hands.
That's an argument as absurd as claiming A+B+C+D+E+1=5. You don't know what each variable is, especially not without actually looking into them.
You also may as well just say that we can't give the bottom 80% a raise, even though the top 20% has been getting a raise for decades, because if we did, all prices would go up.
When was the last time you told your employer to go ahead and skip giving you that raise, because you'd just end up spending it on the increased costs of goods and services anyways?
Competition still exists with UBI. In fact competition is enhanced with UBI. It would be pretty stupid to raise prices in a competitive environment, right? Would you raise your prices as a business owner, knowing full well that it would only make Amazon look even more attractive?
I couldn't agree more. The more we allow ourselves to be taken care of the less skill we have, markets, supply channels. It could turn into thinking us having money is dangerous, and instead we should receive our feed. Yikes
It's time to take our power back, not give even more of it away, yep, you got it!
There is no such thing as government free money. That is an oxymoron, and you will a moron for accepting it!This kind of help comes with lots of strings. Remember the easiest way to lead the sheep to slaughter is to kept them under your thumb and ignorant. They are creating an even bigger welfare state. Middle class will be eliminated. That leaves the rich to pay for the broken system because the poor is receiving the free money and the rich won't want to pay. Can you see where this is going? Crypto and freedom please!
I managed to get of universal credit the UK benefits recently. It a killer nearly destroyed me, it destroyed my relationship. The people are brainwashed robots who have had all empathy of human decency drain out of them. I leave my ex on it she is struggling to feed her and her child but benefits don't give a shit!
Give everyone basic income to cover costs. Costs go up.
Just like having a minimum wage and then trying to push it up to a "living wage". The "living wage" will always increase based on that minimum wage increasing.
Yes! A point I didn't even think about yet, thank you!
Wrong. Read this next.
Why people fail to see this basic truth is totally and utterly, beyond me, it really is...
You might like this post I just posted - and why the snowflakes are so for UBI - a comfort blanket. lol
I totally agree with "Fuck Basic Income" as an extension of government programming and dependency... but I don't think we should throw out the baby with the bathwater in terms of Basic Income as a product of community initiatives and investment programs.
There are currently several crypto-based initiatives (Viva, Manna, etc) working towards decentralized solutions... in the private sector, why not create "investment opportunites" for the "haves" that will create incomes for the have nots? In a "micro" sense, a bit like the good whales on Steemit who delegate their SP to active manual curators... and BOTH benefit from the transaction. Sort of a free market thing...
There has to be a solution aside from "complete no" or "complete yes."
I agree. If you watched the video you would see that I'm talking about the so-called 'government' provided universal basic income. I talked about how crypto, working together and self sufficiency are other ways we can achieve this without giving up even more of our power. We are dependent on the so-called 'state' too much as it is, we cannot give them even more.
Did you... did I... OMGosh! YES!
A girl after my own heart.. and thinking!
I never had hand-outs.... I was a single mom of three... worked three jobs... I made it... I survived. No one gave me money.... right on!
I think we are talking about the same thing. I'm referring to the idea of a "Universal Basic Income".
They have the power to starve us anyway. Just a few thoughts:
They tax your property and they want payment in their preferred currency, not silver, not gold, not bitcoin; but dollars.
Getting off the grid is increasingly hard to do. In some states mineral rights automatically go to the State when you buy a House or land. In some States it is illegal to water your plants with rain water collected from your roof; their water? Legally; yes! Think you own your land? Think again. You own it as long as you pay the taxes.
I would agree with you if a level playing field actually existed, but, I would also like to point out that if a large portion of the population goes hungry, there is nothing to protect us from these hungry people taking our lunch. They will show up in droves; hunger is a powerful motivator.
Combine all this with the fact that more work will be done by machines as time goes on and we have a big problem. Self driving Cars and Trucks will eliminate drivers, but even Lawyers are not immune to this, Robo Lawyer is in it's infancy so imagine a Lawyer that can memorize the entire legal system and it's history.... Greetings.
What would some of your solutions be @onnovocks?
Hi! That's a fair question. Well, I don't have any easy solutions. I'm still at the stage of identifying and trying to see the scope of the problem. I do see this though: If we want to keep life resembling kind of what we know right now, a basic income would go a ways in the right direction, including the drawbacks of dependency that you mention of course. Some folks will undoubtedly abuse such a system and do as little as possible. On the other hand it could free up people to do what they really like doing, are really good at or passionate about. Of course adopting basic income will come with problems, especially if left to government. Unlike many, I don't see a big difference in freedom because what they can do with controlling your income in such a system, they are doing now with laws, guns, and taxes. I do know what the alternative looks like if we do nothing and welcome any discussion with anyone willing to look at all the possibilities rather than being stuck in a system that will no longer support the general well being of society. Another idea is taxing computing power or automation rather than labor. Crazy? Well, I think that's where we're headed and if machines are generating income and people are not, what are the alternatives?
I think this is a complex issue. I try to read some pro and con pieces on Universal Basic Income but haven't come to any conclusion yet.
Scott Santens is on here, and he has detailed posts that address lots of the points mentioned here. Here is a sort of Table of Contents or FAQ of his thoughts:
Personally, I think its good to read up on all sides of issues like this. Scott presents his arguments well, in my opinion. Thanks for posting this to express your thoughts on the matter!
Very well said.Let me see what's inside the video.
Thanks for share.
friend @lyndsaybowes
nothing to say. but, you are right. ...Very informative post. I have a lot to learn on your dtube post.loving to your blog.thanks for sharing.
i followed you and upvoted your post...............
nice post @lyndsaybowes
What should we do ?
I will watch your video . Thank
absolutely right talk, i appreciate your post.keep up the good work.loving to your dtube video.thanks for sharing.
I like your post.
in the hadith says that 1 we love to person 10
everybody likes the free money, you thinking your opinion is unpopular but these are so strong words...
Incredible post there
What about when net neutrality is removed tomorrow? How will that affect crypto currency? Any links to posts about people talking about that? Maybe it won't affect it at all- although if I understand it correctly now the ISPs will be able to charge you more for the bandwidth you use. And also throttle any junctions where a lot of traffic is going through, if they so choose.
As it works now- the ISPs are forced to treat the internet like a utility, although they have constantly tried to get around the laws that keep them in check. That disappears starting tomorrow.
Yes! Word up!
You're not paying attention. The "government" doesn't want to do this. Zuckerberg and Bezos want to control it.