JOY! Blossom Country in the Golden Hour (D.Tube Video)

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

(Video 7:27)

7 of the 11 apple trees are in bloom! There are petals all over the ground, and petals in the sky, and and and...God it's just so Beautiful...Late day light making it even more picturesque.

I'll take you for a teensy-tiny sneak peek around the #growfoodnotlawns project too if you make it through the apples :)

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Sending Love to my #STEEMFam & #DTubeFam ~~ Pendock gives his regards as well :D Hope you're having a great weekend!

▶️ DTube

Here it is on youtube as well, for those who have trouble watching dtube videos:


OMG I love apples and home grown are the greatest blessing. I am trying to nurture my one small one back to life after it got neglected. I have leaves but no flowers this year but hope for a pick up soon. Great video thanks my friend - lots of love to you 💚💚💚💚

Love the video. Just planted some apples, plums, and cherries. Can't wait for them to produce. Your place looks amazing. Your post was very encouraging.

Very warm garden, and a lot of blossoms, it always makes the beginning of the day cool when you wake up in morning :)

Wow, Lynds, I am forever amazed by your homestead, but today's tour was so BEAUTIFUL! It must smell glorious. I love the sideways tree!!!
And HOLY COW THAT OREGANO!!! O: That's amazeballs, yo.
I'm still with you at the end! <3
Thank you for showing us this natural beauty in the world. <3 Much love right back at you!
Oh, and PS - I totally almost spat out my drink when you snorted and said, well, okay, the sun rises over there, but by the time I'm up... XD

Pendock was being a real attention seeker, he loves giving shout-outs to his #STEEMfam :) hehe!

Thank you for watching the video, and for hanging in there til the end, you are my friend with the longest attention span I believe! Probably helps when I put it on youtube as well eh?

I need to make a little #foodisfree table for that crazy oregano, I even cut that plant in half this year, it cares not!!

Glad my commentary could make you giggle! <3<3<3

Dtube was working so I watched that embed! :)
OOH #foodisfree is so awesome. You could also probably sell some dried on Homesteader's Coop!

Your taters look nice and healthy, even though you had long sprouts on them like me before getting them in the ground :~)

Mine are doing really good too, growing faster than ever before; maybe that's a plus to let them sprout longer than average?

We will certainly see! I haven't gone poking around yet to find any new taters...just blind faith at this point :D :D :D I have a friend who grew taters, and the top growth was amazing, and by the time harvest came, there was nothing underneath! ... Our greatest fear!!

edited post downvote to oblivion

Do not feed the trolls.

Soon their balls will develop some sort of ailment and we should instead pity them that this is how they spend their final days.

Beautiful comment Sis, this is an epic post actually! You look amazing, and that is one of the biggest salamanders I have ever seen, I had to look hard to see if it is real, is it?

Garden is looking HUGE and so green!

You can never let me down, you are a shining star who has never given up or given in the whole time I've known you. Take care of you first, the rest will fall into place. You are so beautiful, caring, wise and kind. You are LOVED~~~!!!!!!! And you're kickin' ass, so even if you feel down know I'm always in awe of you!!

Oh yeah, I was soooo surprised when I saw the little guy chilling next to the tree while I was building the pond.

We have a TON of giant worms around the yard so chances are he was either a she or just had a very large feast of wormy worms ~

and honestly I'm so blessed ;_; thank you ~squishy happy Kei hug~
ya'll ready for dis~ ~blasts music and unleashes the pokemonz~

sorry @lyndsaybowes I mistook you for the account that @berniesanders made to mock you and fool people. I was in shock by all the downvotes and It did not occur to me that anyone would be that mean todo something like that! Sorry My mistake! Now I know @berniesanders was mean to you too!

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You're a waste of space. You've been flagged like the trash you are.

Hey Lindsay I really enjoy your posts! Been trying to do a little homesteading myself. Recently I joined and I was wondering, do you post over there as well?

Posted using Partiko Android

I haven't tried minds yet, no, I am pretty thinly stretched with social media as it is.

Have you heard of yet? Just use #palnet as one of your tags on your posts here, and you can earn PALcoin as well as STEEM. (PAL = peace, abundance and liberty aka minnowsupport creators)

At last I see your posts without flags, Lynds!! I am so happy your blog is "healthy" again!
What a miracle you showed to us in the video!! So huge trees and how amazing they are! Is in Canada time of blossoming now? Here it is over, now we have fruits already.
And yes! I can understand you more and more (oral speech), my ears start to catch your wave, Sis!)) I train my skills, so - speak, my dear!:))

Russia has such a reputation for being a cold place I'm always shocked to see how tropical your area and the sea looks. I can't believe you already have fruits, that's amazing!

I am happy you could translate my speech, it was easy this time, all I said was : God.. So beautiful... so beautiful... God.... hahaaa!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I can't get over the perfection of this time of year!

Ahaha, that's exactly my level:)) go on:))

Russia is really cold, in most regions, but I live in Crimea, it's a southern region, and here it's much warmer, no strong frost ever -5-7 is maximum, though in Moscow it can be -20, in Siberia -50. Hell! -5 is too much for my ass already:))

Looking beautiful! Loved your branch angle finish, yet had the best giggle with your "Snow White moment". 😆

Thank you for coming over @novacadian! :D Ya, who needs 7 of em eh?! LOL!

I bet things are getting pretty gorgeous down in the city, you're always a bit more ahead than us, I bet the smell of the lilacs are heavenly....

Yeah our cherry trees have already bloomed. Nothing as spectacular as your orchard though! 👍