In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Oprah 2020 after Oprah Winfrey's golden globes speech, Henry Kissinger crazy comments in Michael Wolff book Fie and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. The news of the day plus a lot more.
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In 2020, steem price will be increase further! I think!
Anyone running on the Demoncrat ticket scares me!
Love your youtube channel. It's nice to hear some real truth for a change. To bad Alex Jones is such a puppet now. I'll have to sneak into bohemian grove this year and expose him hanging out with Trump there lol... Glad to join this site. Lots of great people and info. Keep fighting the good fight.
Yup, the disinformation game is strong. Platforms like this will balance the scales instead of 6 companies providing news we have hundreds of sources. Glad to be a part of it, still a green horn but I look forward to growing with steemit along side you guys
People still buy that Bohemian Grove stunt?
Jones obviously had permission to be there, only filmed what he was supposed to and had been the gate keeper ever since.
The camera man he took named Mike Hanson works for Time Warner and took great pains to hide that fact.
Great Post! @lukewearechange
I had always known this would happen.
But did you know Oprah will run in 2020 AGAINST Dwayne Johnson?
yes its called the democratic primaries
Maybe it will be Oprah with the Rock as Vice President that makes much more sense
I will be pretending to work for the Democrats giving them advice which may seem good at first but which will sabotage them... the democrats and their disgusting communism "democratic socialists" are nothing but communists
Politics has ben reduced to pro wrestling... but my friend @uncerntropy had been claiming this made a since 2007 ... ever since he saw Obama and hillary on stage talking like The Rock or Stone COld Steve Austin we KNEW that American Politics is like Wrestling
I am sooooo going to love if the Demoncrats think it's a great idea to put a celebrity as their nominee. They are going to be utterly destroyed!
Really....and Trump isn't a celebrity? or a dumbass? Because he's both smh.
idk man it seems like Oprah would be a better candidate with a higher chance of winning than any other current democratic politician that I can think of.
Rock has her covered! haha
I stand with the rock!
IF trump can be president, Dwayne Johson is a better option hehehe.
Even Jesse Ventura might be tempted to come back onto the grid!!
Mark Cuban
Haha I like Dwayne Johnson.
Iranian regime change. Korean nuclear war. Alt media censorship. Anything can happen.
And none of us really have a deep insight into what will happen. All we have control over is our surroundings. But that's how it always has been. It's just that now with the Internet we get a feeling of fear of missing out and that we need to know every single thing. Even though we have no control over it. As Jordan B Peterson have said in YouTube videos. We should all just Focus on clean our own room and make it perfect. Then we can look more at other stuff in the world.
HAHAHAHA heared it today in the morning news and I was just WTF?! :-)
Awesome! Wonderful! Great! Fantastic! Nice! Beautiful! Excellent! Fine! Masterpiece! Stupendous!
But definitely not weird
Oprah's scariest speech yet --"whole generation just needs to die"....
Oprah's Cambodian style solution to older folks. Long Pol Pot and child soldiers....

I'm probably in the wrong side of steemit to be saying this, but an 18 second clip that starts in the middle of a sentence hardly gives you any context to what is being discussed.
It sounds like she is talking about a potential end to racism, saying (this is the entirety of the snippet posted) "... still, and there is a whole generation, I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the south, there are still generations of people, older people born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die."
It isn't as sensational to understand she is saying that racism is mostly generational, and younger generations don't have as many predetermined thoughts on people based on appearances, and that a lot of those ideas will die off with the people that still hold them, oh FUCK no. She was obviously saying we should round up old people in ghettos, and sick our child army on them.
I love my family, but some of the things I was told and warned about growing up was despicable. I was told to be careful drinking from public fountains because you never knew 'whose big lips had been on it'. I got to be older and was talking to my great grandfather who went on a rant about miscegenation and the dangers of mixing "mongoloid blood" with ours. I was so steeped in it, that for a while I would get nervous walking down the street passing someone because they might be one of those "lazy thugs". I no longer hold any of those beliefs, but the memories are there, and like it or not Oprah is right, for those ideas to die off, it's just a matter of time, because I won't be here forever, and I refuse to talk to my children the way I was talked to.
Edit: I thought you just pulled that out of nowhere ben, but apparently @lukewearechange used the same snippet, and the same "She wants to cull the old people population!" disinformation.
I guess if you read this Luke, I would like to know what makes you jump to the eugenics and genocide side of that so quick when given full context of the interview, she is saying a generation will die [naturally] and the ideas they hold will die with them (which is an inevitability). Is your Occam's Razor broken?
2nd Edit: I was going through your sources hoping that you had maybe done some due diligence and found the whole bbc interview with Oprah (or at least something longer than ~20 seconds), couldn't find it and started clicking through, found the WSJ one about, in your words, "culling the human population", I think using that as a source might have been a little disingenuous on your part, you seem to rely much more heavily on a link in that article.
I hear you tronthetechie,
I myself was born and raised in lily white neighborhoods of East Tennessee. And I know exactly what Oprah is talking about and referring to. I think the harshness she talks may have been taking out of context in this video.
But it's true. I'm middle aged and I'm one of the few who lives outside that W.A.S.P ( white anglo saxon protestants) bubble. Many are evangelical and they simply do not even care to understand anyone else outside this bubble. It's so normal to them and they honestly do not see anything wrong with believing like this. And when they come across anyone different whether it be a non-Christian or gay or anyone just "weird" to them..many times they totally shun them. Fortunately for me ,I got outside Tennessee and starting living in the "real world" and saw for myself there is more than just the white 1950 era lifestyle I was raised in.
I sometimes wish that more people could have “out of body experiences” nothing drives home how superficial our differences are than realizing that your body is just a “shell” so to speak.
Glad you could see some more of the world. No matter where you are, everyone should roam a little.
First of all, much respect to you for listening to the entire speech and not just the sound bite, and trying to determine her meaning from context. Too often, a few words are separated from their context and take on an entire new meaning. I applaud you for investigating instead of reacting on knee-jerk impulses.
Now having said that, I too have analyzed it, and I don't agree with your analysis. Even in context, when I read "they just have to die," I don't take that as "we need to wait for them to pass on." I am left with the impression that it means exactly what it's being presented as in this article: a call to expedite their death. If she'd said "we need to wait for them to die," or even if she'd included the word "off" at the end of the quote, then I could see where you're coming from. But the way she said it, it sounds to me like an Ingsoc devotee grumbling "Oldthinkers unbellyfeel Ingsoc," calling for the death of the "Oldthinkers."
Am I inside Oprah Winfrey's head? Thank God above, no. Ergo, I could be wrong. She may have meant it as you are suggesting.
But That's honestly not the impression I was left with, especially in light of the fact that this "white people need to die" rhetoric is being shouted with no veils or innuendos whatsoever by a massive swath of the very voter base she would be appealing to.
First, I want to clarify, I couldn’t find the whole interview from the bbc I was quoting, I had to work, so I couldn’t keep hunting for it.
I am curious to know why you imagine the intent is in hastening their death (who else would watch any of her content lol) instead of minced words in an unscripted interview.
Maybe I just lived a very sheltered life, but I had never really met any of the “honkies need to die” folks that didn’t come to that opinion because of the overall attitude and treatment that was reflected to them, I also never met a white racist that didn’t have some justifications for why they dislike other ethnicities. We need to all realize life isn’t some team sport we need to pick sides on, and it isn’t a free for all either. We are all on the boat, it doesn’t matter if you paid to be there or if you are paid to be there, if the ship is taking on water, we should all be proactive.
Taking a 20 second clip that sounds minced, is that putting people together or against one another?
It's a valid complaint because what Oprah said, what if Trump had said the same thing? Now come on, people would be all over him. But what Oprah said, and I think the clip alone adequately shows it, is that "A WHOLE GENERATION NEEDS TO DIE."
Well, Hello Oprah...part of that Generation. I guess you just need to crawl off and die.
Fair's fair, right? lol...
If you use quotes, it's best to quote it accurately at least, please look at my comment where I directly transcribed the 20 second excerpt.
Also, Trump said during his campaign (note: Oprah hasn't even confirmed or denied a bid to run, this has all been other people saying she should) that he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and he wouldn't lose votes. Much less ambiguous wouldn't you say? I wasn't there saying "TRUMP WANTS TO GO ON A STREET WIDE SHOOTING SPREE!", in fact, I can't find a trace that anyone even took it that way.
Also, if you check out the transcription, I wouldn't be saying I'm a member of the generation Oprah was talking about, She's talking about South African apartheid supporters and Old South segregationists, but if you insist the shoe fits, why not scream it to the block chain to be immutable?
Well, that was food for thought. I'll give you that.
But after such thought, I still have to make the statement that I can't agree.
To your question of "why," I'd need more psychology training than I have (I've taken plenty of Ed Psych for my current career and plenty of criminology for my former one, but not a lot of general psych) to know, much less explain.
Innuendos and implications are always subtle, and they're perceived through the lens of the listener more than the mouth of the speaker sometimes. All I can say is "when I listen to what she said and compare it to what I'm hearing all around me, this is what it sounded like."
As to the possibility that you've lived a sheltered life, the reverse may be true. I may be seeing through an abnormally harsh lens. My experience may not exactly be mainstream. I grew up a member of the token white family in a neighborhood where being found guilty of being white basically carried a summary death sentence if you were on the wrong street, while all the while the media was telling me "you're white and you have it easy. You don't know what these poor unfortunate minorities go through." I didn't particularly care if this person or that one was black, but I did grow up acutely aware that the reciprocal was not always true, and I had precious little sympathy for anyone who tried to tell me I was some kind of cultural elite who owed something to the people who were shooting at me for the hardships they had suffered. My question was always "what hardships? I'm the one who has to watch every step he takes or word that he says."
The mentality which you summed up as the "honkies need to die" attitude was simply the way of the world, and it didn't matter who did what to cause it; all that mattered was I was the one who was going to die for it if I walked down the wrong street.
When I became a Corrections Officer later, and then a Patrolman, I encountered the same mentality over and over. More than half the homicides I was called to were cases of someone being shot on the grounds of "shoulda kept yo' white @** outta our hood." Executed after being found guilty of being white. I have a tough time buying the "the shooters must have had some kind of reason; it must have been retaliation for some kind of racial discrimination they experienced" line, especially given how many of the victims were children. What racially discriminatory act has a five year old girl committed that gives a 22 year old man legitimate grounds to shoot her? I don't see it, and no one else on the Force I served on (most of whom were black, by the way; the demographics of a Police Force tend to reflect the demographics of their jurisdiction) did either. We had families who lived in that neighborhood, and our job was to round up the ones who were making life dangerous for those families and lock them up, as my Chief always said, " 'til they get a prescription strength dose o' Get-Right in their system." To use your analogy, the boat was taking on water by gallons per second, and everyone with a badge was trying desperately to plug the holes, and far too many of us ended up being full of holes ourselves as a result.
With all that having been said, is it possible that I'm seeing a mentality (the rampant desire to kill anyone found, as I keep phrasing it, "guilty of being white") lurking in every nook and cranny that is actually rare? Possible, yes; but it doesn't look that "rare" to me. It seems to be all over the place. Is it possible that I'm reading into her ill-chosen words and seeing a message that wasn't intended? Possible, yes.
But from my experience with the world, what she said, sounds like what it sounds like. And at the end of the day, that's really all I have that I can go off of.
I can respect your story and life experience, when I wound up homeless at 16 I was in some rough places too and it’s never fun doing what you have to do, but you are assuming a billionaire philanthropist shares a common sentiment with literal thugs. She didn’t even specify white in there, but sure, she literally wants to kill all the old white people.
I just wonder why people had no problem with trumps I could shoot someone and not lose votes, but Oprah just wants octogenarian genocide. It smells like team mentality to me.
Trump's "I could shoot someone" was moronic. No lies. I facepalmed when that came out because I was fairly certain he had just handed the presidency to Hillary Clinton on a silver platter, and that was the point after which most of his supporters (myself included) couldn't make much of a case for him beyond "look dude, it's him or the other Clinton." I could point out that Trump said "someone," key word one, while Oprah is talking about an entire generation (with what I still assert is ethnocidal implications), but even I'll admit that's splitting some really fine semantic hairs, so I won't go there.
As for assuming Oprah Winfrey shares the mentality of those whom you accurately called "literal thugs," try an analogy for a moment.
Let's imagine you see some guy in a suit. Looks respectable enough. Nothing out of place. Even seems to have some class. Then you find out he's got a history of charity donations. Great guy!
And then he starts giving speeches about the kind of people he thinks are the source of problems in the world. He doesn't use the word Jew, but you can tell he's tapdancing around it, with phrases like "they all sit in their synagogues and plot this stuff" or "and they don't care because they'll be safe in Israel." Then he caps it off with "we had a chance to get rid of them back in the '30's and '40's."
Pretty obvious he's a Nazi, right?
Oh, but he never specifically said "Jews" tough.
Look. I can't prove someone's intention when they speak. All I have, all anyone has, is "I've heard this kind of talk from X person, Y person, and Z person. Ergo, this person talking is probably of mindset XYZ."
And here's Oprah making a speech that sounds an awful lot like Black Panther Party rhetoric. I'm seeing feathers and a bill and hearing a quack, so you can point out that there are no visible webbed feet, but I'm still saying "duck."
Nice post
I'm upvoting you because you obviously took a lot of time to type this.
YAY it gave you a whole penny
Nice post
Go take your walk at Hollywood and Vine at 9pm on a Friday Night. You will get a huge serving of red pills.
I guess I don’t understand your meaning...
She's so classy.
Our current piece of crap "President" has said far worse. Remember, he thinks it is perfectly normal to sexually assault women?!
Did she ment the femnazi-faggot-polcorrect-nigger-loving generation?
President Oprah is a nightmare! lol
I hope she actually runs. She will be completely and utterly destroyed!
Great story! Well deserve to be upvoted!
lol no one will vote for her
This. I think the next election will see old school politicians doing well as people tire of celebrities and TV personalities.
I really hope our presidency doesn't continue to devolve into a Hollywood battle of who's who celebrities.
Don't be too sure about that
but you are commenting her @markjackson :p
like You think no one will for me😁
@lukewearechange you do great work, been following you for years brother glad to have you around here on this Blockchain.
Great Post!. Interesting Story. I want more of this. Keep it up
Thank god for the free media.
Do you guys think she should run for the precidency🇺🇸?
The MSM is about to really start pushing Oprah 2020 I bet.. Seems like she might be the globalists answer to Trump.
Ahah, it makes me funny, thanks!)
To intimate that Oprah is endorsing eugenics is quite irresponsible. That you can take a few seconds out of a long speech and make such assertions speaks to someone who really is trying to do something other than inform people.
Having watched the entire interview, I can state categorically that all she was saying was that many racists will not change and we can only get rid of their racism when they die. That is the point she was making. I would suggest that you do a new post and critically analyze the speech instead of making these inflammatory statements. SHAME.
I am yet to hear Oprah say that she is endorsing these things you mentioned. Let me be frank, I think it would be a tragedy for her to get caught up in the filth of US politics. She has absolutely nothing to gain from it. Plus, she does not need it.
Also, I am not following your logic because you start out with Oprah, then you move into geopolitics and even then you touched on a number of things without being grounded in anything in particular. What are the parallels here between the things you mentioned and Oprah? Maybe that was not your intention, but the headline really set us up for it. If you are going to criticize Oprah, do so, but you sir, are all over the place. And that eugenics statement, which I assume you are tying her to, is bothersome.
All the woman did was give a speech encouraging people. My gosh, is the country so divided that even the best of intentions are turned on their head, and sullied and stained to appease people who are reaching for all the negativity they can scrape? Again, SHAME.
i am loving it she is not scary at all
nice post
USA went to the dogs with Obama. Oprah will be a disaster. Imagine Oprah vs Putin. He will chew her up and spit her out.
Why do you share some pictures of crazy moments?
Really good post bro
thanks i appreciate that, been hard getting back to everything but getting in the flow now
that's right
Kissinger kissed comments.
good post
Nice post, thanks for sharing
did she get that guy's consent before kissing him?
graet post
The world will never know.
The world will never know.
we will see
Awesome post. Thanks for sharing.
I listened to a black friend of mine today for perspective say something close to "OP needs to run for mayor or a state seat before getting into asking to be the president without experience. We can't just set the precedent that every rich famous person can turn around and decide they want to be president whenever they want. We need standards as a country". It was nice to hear some logic from somebody with a dog in the fight.
Oprah is killing people like Facebook Mark and Bill Gates.
Oprah met with Rothschild at Davos.
she is very well connected with the elites
Absolutely, she is. Plus she has got alot of influence too.
I liked you're post, I am new, could you please follow me.
Enough with the stupid conspiracy theories
I am not scared.
then again I don't really get scared often.
The pictures speak volumes. Censorship on FB? No way! Remind me one more time, why do we need FB? And when do we give Kissinger a Nobel Peace Prize? Oh, wait, that already happened in 1973.
Nice post !!
Rome is falling. If Oprah runs, she will win. We're in a very sick time and it's going to end very, very badly.
I know I'll never fully understand the situation, but if I were a rich person, here's how I'd be thinking.
"Let's get rid of all the useless people and replace them with as many robots as possible."
I think once the rich have access to a robot that can get into your home, overpower you and kill your family, we're all dead.
Human beings are very, very deadly creatures, if they have the power to kill without consequence they will... Like it's nothing.
Be very afraid.
The next America's Top President is already looking to be full of plenty of belly laughs.
The best thing about the Trump election was exposing the position for the joke it is.
Support him or not, Trump has definitely created a new trend of EVERYONE running for presidency, despite their lack of experience of competence.
I have to be honest... I cannot find a single human being that I trust in this position, as the high office has become far too powerful for one person. Cashing in on social capital in a very similar way to Donald Trump, this is equally as threatening to the right and the moderate as Trump is to the left and the moderate.
And as an agorist, I find EVERY presidential candidate highly threatening. I look forward to the next election cycle like I look forward to a colonoscopy... perhaps for the same reason.
There are 3 branches of government in the USA with the executive branch being only one branch. It is like the legs of a stool. One branch goes a bit crazy, and the other branches check and balance -- or so we hope. But yeah, maybe executive branch should be 5 presidents for the USA, one for North, one East, one West and one South and a 5th in Hawaii/Alaska.
I don't think that will happen, it would be seen as too convoluted, but Just to flesh out this idea, why not have Hawaii go west, Alaska go north, and instead have a 5th representative in the executive branch for the U.S. territories, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It makes more sense than having a representative cover two pretty well unrelated states.
Like you say, or so we hope. It looks to me like the whole thing is a bit off the rails, all three branches.
There is zero chance Oprah gets the Dem nomination. Yeah, they like her when she gives a nice speech or two, but when it comes to playing legit ball, she'd get creamed based on her history and a lack of extensive political knowledge. Dems aren't like Repubs in that they'll nominate any idiot celebrity. On the other hand, Repubs would never nominate a black woman. Ergo, no President Winfrey.
finally a voice of reason and sanity on STEEM!
Sometimes I feel like there is just lunatics!
Thank you for this post! keep up the great work!
Nice work.
That sad moment when there's strong reason to vote Trump.
good to see you back
Interesting perspective
It seems we're moving into a post-politician political scene where you have to be famous to even consider running; Oprah 2020, Dwayne 2020, Zuckerberg 2020
If we have reached the point where celebrity appeal, rather than executive experience, is the path to the presidency... then God help us all.
Obama had no executive experience, and only four years of national level experience.
Trump had NO political experience, but at least had experience wielding executive power.
Reagan, long before them, did BEGIN as an actor, but at least he governed a state before climbing to the presidency.
But actors and talk show hosts with no experience?
That will be the day when it will be time to return to something closer to the original Constitution, where the only ones elected by the populace were the members of the House of Reps and the State Governors, and the Governors and Reps chose all the rest, just to put a layer in between the elected offices and the increasingly-apparent-in-their-incapacity-to-choose-their-leaders populace.
You seem a little biased to me.
You disregard the experience Obama had (State-level governance since 92, and Senator since 04) as being too little, but give Trump credit for having "Excecutive experience" (was born rich), which somehow makes him qualified.
Then you go on to say that Reagan at least "governed a state", which is exactly what Obama did.
No. He was a State Senator, not a governor. That's not executive experience. It's legislative. Also, during his four years of national legislative experience to vote "present" the vast majority of the time (votes in the Legislative Branch are public information, look it up). That's not very decisive. That's not "disregarding his experience," it's fact. Any CEO or State governor, or even a mayor, is required by the very nature of their position to be decisive (the root word of "executive" is "execute" or "carry out"), meaning the least influential mayor of the tiniest town in America has more executive experience after a day in office than a four year senator has accumulated by the end of their term.
Also, the executive experience I was giving Trump credit for was management of an international corporation with a list of employees larger than the executive branch, where decisions affect entire cities. Nothing compared to the presidency, but it's an executive role, where Obama's entire political career prior to the presidency was legislative, which is nothing more than debating inside a chamber where the effects of the decisions being made are far, far removed from the eyes of any of the ones making them. Legislation is nothing (and I mean nothing but nothing) more than discussing. It's talk. That is the sum total of a legislator's job: to conjure persuasive rhetoric that will make other legislators (or their constituents, who hold the keys to their continued employment) think one is morally or logically right. Actually being right is optional.
The traits necessary for success in a national, corporate, or even municipal executive post have more in common with each other than the traits necessary for success in a national executive post and a national legislative post (and that's discounting the fact that his legislative career was lackluster, being famous mostly for being outraged at George W. Bush for doing things he himself would later insist he had executive prerogative to do).
My loathing of Barack Obama comes from seeing my family's homeland (the Philippines) thrown under the bus repeatedly by Obama so that he could score popularity points with the EU by saying "see? I stood up to eeeeevil little Duterte. How dare he actually get tough on those poor misunderstood drug cartels? He's supposed to respect their basic Human Right to make life a living hell for a nation of 100 million." My loathing of Barack Obama comes from how his moronic decision in that regard nearly cost me the ability to ever see the aforementioned family again by, pushing the Philippines to the brink of aligning with China instead. My loathing of Barack Obama comes from watching four of my fellow officers die under the guns of rioters he himself encouraged on national TV. It doesn't stem from "bias" any more than the average Westerner's loathing of Hitler does. It stems from the undeniable and absolute fact that he was an abject failure in his role, and the suffering he brought about is beyond my ability to even put into a post.
Trump... well, he's restored the alliance with the Philippines to a significantly warmer level. On everything else, there's time left to see.
In short, the "anyone who fails to prostrate themselves before St. Barack or fails to emit streams of invective at the mention of Darth Donald must be biased" angle, which you just manifested by being shocked and upset that I didn't laud and praise that psychopath (who was so narcissistic that not only was his entire presidency about nothing more than making a monument to himself, but he even had the gall to say that outright and expect his followers to agree with it, with his little "I will take it as a personal insult if you don't vote for Clinton" speech) doesn't make a point for you. It merely reveals your own bias, manifested by a belief that anything giving your opposition any validity must be inherently flawed.
The next America's Top President is already looking to be full of plenty of belly laughs.
Thank you for this. What a nice treat. Hope you enjoy your weekend.
have a good day @lukewearechange
You gonna get foodstamps… You gonna get foodstamps… You gonna get foodstamps… EVERYBODYYYYYYYYYYY gonnnnnnaaaaaa get fooooooodstaaaaaammmmmpppppsssss!!!!!!!
I think she'd be great for negotiations. Excellent social skills and super smart. Who knows, I wouldn't be opposed to the idea...