
Our expectations were surpassed here in Oregon as well. It was strange how dark and cool it got during totality. And no camera can do it justice. When I took off my glasses during totality my mind was blown at the sight I beheld. My two Oregon brothers and their families were here at our house in the path of totality. It was an experience of a lifetime. Glad you got to enjoy it as well.

Hey Luke! Glad you guys enjoyed it here in TN! We had a great time with it, I can't remember ever seeing anything like it.

Can I ask where you got the kids' shirts? I love the look of them with the small front logo. I'd love to get one for my son to remember the great Nashville Eclipse of 2017.

Thank you much! Have a great night!!

It was part of the cub scouts camp out event. Each scout got one as part of the registration fees.

Ah bummer.

Well it looks like a great shirt. Thanks for taking the time to let me know! Much appreciated!!

We missed out on this one here in Aus. Not to worry though. 2028 is only eleven years away.

Hah! Nice. Planning ahead. :)

It was an amazing sight to see. Unfortunately being in Asia, I didn't get to watch first hand, but I saw the NASA footage and it was incredible. As they say "the best things in life are free"

I am @superarbi01 from Indonesia. I am happy to read your post and watching your video as well. You and family are always happy. It is very good! Thanks for your post. Regard.

Lucky you got to see this brother @lukestokes, did not see anything in my area. Would have been great to get to Oregon...

It was amazing! I hope you get to catch it some other time in the future.

Nice video and shots @lukestokes sir, your family really enjoy the eclipse that's great. thanks for sharing.

yeah it was a wonderfull scene and we all see and enjoy it and also u with ur familly look so excited the kid are really so excited and look happy to enjoy the eclipse in camp. wish ur for more happines with ur family @lukestokes sir

Nice story and pics. Looks like the kids really had a good time. Thanks for sharing @lukestokes.

Awesome photographs @lukestokes sir, great family you have and it's nice to see kids are happy and enjoying the Eclipse 2017.

wow its really great plan to spent ur weekend in scout eclipse weekend camp and really this was the best idea to enjoy eclipse also u and all kids look so happy to enjoy the eclipse but we miss this chance bcz the grey clouds on sky all day sir

I got to see the solar eclipse at my school. It wasn't a full solar eclipse....and I was hoping for one though :(

Honestly it wasn't all that to me. I looked up at the sky with the glasses and I thought to myself "Is that it?"

Maybe the hype made me expect soooo much of the solar eclipse. Well at least I got to watch the solar eclipse with my that's a plus.

I'm glad you had a good time though. Oh and by the way, I tried watching the video, but it wouldn't load. Maybe dTube has a problem.

The full total eclipse was the amazing part. I'll never forget that.

wonderful!.. God bless all of you :)
I just followed you.

Great interview!

Awesome sir... And your family seems to have so much fun with your friends.. and your cute. Specially your son seems to have so much fun in that video.. it's cool...

Very nice post thanks for sharing

Very rare event man. There are so much talk of significance about the USA and everything of deeper meaning. Voted your other account as a WITNESS. It may interest you to visit over to my offgrid posts, I have introduced the JOULESTEEM circuit already on my 9th post.

great to see this scene in camp really the scene come many years and hope u enjoy it fully on ur weekend with small cute and naughty kiddies but we couldnot see this bcz in my country not show eclipse maybe it was in some countries only

Representin that steem to the eclipse 🤣🌒

My kids are already asking if we're going to make a road trip to go see it.

I hope you enjoyed a lot

Nice story and pics

Great Moment ! hope u enjoy it fully

This is so awesome thanks for a wonderful post and sharing with us the kids seem to really love it.

I also saw he eclipse, it really brought people from all walks of life together. I posted about this, but your family looks so nice! Thanks for sharing this.

Nice moment, do not forget you invite your family to see this rare moment.

This sure is interesting! At first I was like 'huh, what are these thing on their faces' lol :D What exactly was the use of them?

Thank you for uploading the youtube clip @lukestokes since I keep getting problems with dtube for some weird reason.

You really conveyed the excitement of getting to see this first hand into video format. I felt like that, but since I couldn't see the ellipse for myself this is definitely the next best thing. All the euphoria and elation is just so contagious.

I live in which U.K. So I wasn't able to experience the eclipse but I watched a livestream and it looked absolutely incredible.

It is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity and hopefully, there will be another one sooner or later that I can witness for myself! :)

Awesome, nice one Luke! I can't wait till my next one; I saw an eclipse in the UK in '99 and it totally blew me away. If I had the money and time, I would chase them all over the earth :-)


Bet the guy in the Green Bay hat didn't wear protective glasses.

wow @lukestokes I like the way you and your family enjoyed this once in life time phenomenon
Guess you had your glass on

aww i missed the Eclipse up here, so thank you for sharing :D 💖💖
& a mega thank you for upvoting me, il do witness vote :D

@lukestokes I was watching the eclipse on live stream from Nasa on one of the youtube sites for a few minutes. It was truly an amazing spectacle to watch. However, the reactions of the kids seen in your video take the cake. I love the way the little ones said "No way!" and "Awesome!!". Great that you recorded the video. It must give the whole experience a very personal, family touch for you.

By the way - it is great that you got to publish a video on the DTube for this once in a lifetime kind of experience. That makes it that much more special! :)

In my location, we had a lunar eclipse a few days ago. I stayed up quite late to click a few shots but the clouds mostly ruined the experience.


I so envy you that fill eclipse. I never seen on... only partial ones and even they were pretty amazing! I didn't know the shadows will look like croissants :p So cool!

I must say, a full eclipse is an amazing experience. Much different than a partial. I won't ever forget it.

Es un evento único en la vida. Aquí, en Venezuela, hubo un eclipse total en el 1998. Jamás olvidaré la reacción´de mi familia y amigos, quienes compartimos tan espectacular acontecimiento. En Venezuela, el eclipse no fue total esta vez.

Thank you for posting this. Great pics!
I loved seeing everyone's reaction during totality. (And after in your vid) Next time I'll be setting up a wide angle video capture to record the entire event so I can get people's reactions; something that I can just hit record and then leave running throughout the event.

This was my first eclipse and I loved it. I would love to share my eclipse pictures and blog post with you:

2024 or bust! I'll be heading down to Texas for the next one. I'm hooked.
Mike Bryant (AKA: Rebele93)