Apex Legends Ranked | How to win a match like a boss! by Pumalicious

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Hey soldiers! Watch my bud Pumalicious making his grand finale on this match. Just like a boss...xD

One of our teammates crashes and left me and Pumalicious alone against a lot of other squads. I ended up dying but Pumalicious took advantage as 3rd party and defeated the last squads standing...all by himself!

▶️ DTube

Saudações, @lpessin

Me fala uma coisa por favor. Como precisa ser a configuração de um computador para rodar bem um jogo desse?? Digo, principalmente, em relação á placa de vídeo!!!

Obrigado e bom dia!

#spt #battle #palnet #steemace

Apex Legends Minimum System Requirements
OS: 64-bit Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core i3-6300 3.8GHz / AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 / Radeon HD 7730
Storage: Minimum 22 GB of free space